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Technically, you could use either version of the POA. If he can handle this himself (i.e. take it to a notary for execution), the Washington version may be easiest. If your dad is down in California with you, you could certainly execute the California version of the form. If you think your dad may move to California, I can see the advantages of using the CA compliant POA. There isn't a residency requirement as to what version to use (in my job, I don't compare where they live versus the version used, only that it complies with the law), but it's always nice when there is a connection to the state used - in your case, you live in California and that's sufficient.

In my job (legal rep for a financial/insurance company), I see a few that are drafted under the law of a state that differs from the residency state. It's not an issue for my company. We just care that if a Washington resident gives us a POA that purports to be drafted under CA law that it actually complies with California law.

Best wishes.
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It is best to get the Power of Attorney in the State where the parent lives, as each State has their own rules and wordings.

Best for your Dad to see an Elder Law Attorney, that way if he doesn't have a POA then chances are he doesn't have a Will, Medical Directive, etc.

Hopefully your Dad's mind is still pretty good, as it would be up to him to "appoint" who will be his medical POA, and who will be his financial POA, the same person can be both.
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