
Has anyone used it and seen success as they do with medical purposes? The dr won’t discuss it . They only want to give sedatives. Thank youu (:

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You're very rarely going to get a doctor to agree with you about using pot for any 'medical' reason, although there are doctors who DO subscribe to it. According to your profile, your dad lives at home with Alzheimers/dementia, so why not try giving him an edible and see how it goes? I'd try starting with HALF an edible to see what effect it has on him, though. I used to give my mom an edible when her anxiety (associated with early dementia) was through the roof, and it had a positive effect on her; it relaxed her quite a bit and enabled her to sleep well, too. Everybody is different, so you don't know how your dad will fare with it until you try.

Another idea is to try CBD oil with THC. I tried CBD w/o THC for my mom in Memory Care only b/c they would not allow THC to be doled out. It did nothing for her at all. THC is the key ingredient to CBD oil that helps a person (in my opinion) so that's another thing you may want to try to help dad with Sundowning.

My mom had pretty good results with Ativan at .25 mgs and then increased to .5 as needed when her Sundowning got very bad. Sleep issues seem to increase as the dementia/ALZ worsens, too, unfortunately.

In my opinion, you should try various things to see what works. We had a poster here who swore by the BioMat by Richway; it's a sophisticated heating pad (for lack of a better word) that's infused with amethyst crystals. The patient lies down on the mat and he swore that his mother who was riddled with anxiety/agitation and Sundowners turned from a tiger into a kitten by doing so. These mats are super expensive. BUT, you can rent one too, as an alternative to buying it outright. Google "rent a Richway Biomat (or Biomat Mini) in your area" online and see what comes up.

Best of luck!
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