
I need some advice. My dad has a lot of health issues and severe short-term memory loss. A month ago, there was a medical emergency that required him to spend a week in the hospital. It turns out that his BP was 209/116 and his Glucose was in the 300s. He does not remember to take his medicine consistently and they have expired. In addition, he was taking pills to help with his libido (not sure why); Horny Goat Weed and Semax. He hasn't directly spoken to me about it but has alluded to his caregiver, who quit, that he wants to go home. I am concerned about legal issues, but I am not rich and can't afford to get him deemed incompetent so do I let him go home?

Thank You! No, unfortunately, he was already released into my care. I've been speaking with a Social Worker with the VA
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Solmac

I’m assuming Dad is in the hospital still ? If so speak to the social worker and tell him/her that your Dad doesn’t take his meds , or he takes expired ones , he can’t remember anything , can’t take care of himself and he can not go home because it would be an “ unsafe discharge “ . Use that phrase .

Say there is no one to take care of him . Don’t let the social worker talk you into taking him home with you . They will try to say he’s your responsibility. But you do not have to care for him or live with him . Tell them you can not care for him . Tell them you work ( even if you don’t ).

Let the social worker find placement for him . I’m assuming you don’t have POA, so let the state/county takeover . Don’t pick him up at all from the hospital , even if they try to tell you they will send help ….there won’t be much if any . Don’t let them talk you into to taking him home temporarily until placement either . If you have to don’t answer their calls .
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to waytomisery

Are you the only child? No spouse?
Who is POA? Executor? Do you know of a will or living trust?
If you are the only next of kin then it should be rather easy for you to take over... if he has a living trust you can have him resign as trustee and take it from there. If not... seek and elder attorney... it will be costly but the best money you can spend been there done that! Also being on this site helps a lot!
I was POA for my daddy, at the time all my siblings were alive and I only got static from one. But I told them how the cow ate the buckwheat and no one else gave me any static. I cared for him and had to make the decisions for him, advised him to resign as trustee from the living will and just in time because the ALZ was getting bad fast. I have learn a lot from this site and from Ask questions and know that just because it's out of the box doesn't mean it won't work!
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Reply to Ohwow323

So sorry we did not get to you sooner. We would have told you to not agree to return him home. You could have had a 24/7 evaluation done. And if found he needs 24/7 care tell the Social Worker its would be an unsafe discharge and he needed to go straight to LTC. Then u use whatever money he has for his care and apply for Medicaid about 90 days before its gone. His house is considered an exempt asset. But if on Medicaid, there will be no way to keep it up. So, sell and use the proceeds for his care.
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Reply to JoAnn29

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