
My dad uses a urinal while sitting in his chair during the day just fine (for the most part) but at night, or nap time when he is in his bed, he insists on standing up! Needless to say, this leaves a mess. I made a sign to place in front of his bed to remind him to sit down, but it's as though he doesn't even see it. Any suggestions? please?

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Have you tried maybe getting a walker for him to hold onto while using the urinal with the other hand? I might also get a large washable bathroom rug for him to stand on. He may have a mental block about sitting on the edge of the bed. It may not be comfortable for him. He may be fearful he’ll wet the bed and then have to call you to change his sheets. I’ve never used one, but I wonder if a female urinal has a wider opening and he’d be more successful with that.
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Thanks! I do have a small rug there and I put a dog "pee pad" there, he is in a hospital bed, so when he sits on the edge of it there is a rail for him to hold onto. I like the idea of a female urinal, I'll check into it, thank you!
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I found this type of thing one of the most painful things. For most all of his life, your dad stood up while urinating. Just a certain loss of dignity when he has to do this a different way. This may be an unpopular answer, but wonder if it is best to just let him stand up and have his LOs deal with the consequences.
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Well, I have thought about doing that but his doctor wants him to sit. Something to do with his prostate issues.
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