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Is your Mom able to eat 3 meals a day? If so she is doing exceptionally well for her age. It is very rate after about age 90 to have an appetite that can do 3 meals a day. Certainly it is fine to awaken her, offer her meals, a change of position, a little walk for circulation if she is able, cleansing. Then I would allow her to sleep as she wishes. As a nurse I used to try over and over and over again to families that they do get very very tired close to the end. They honestly wish to sleep more than anything else, losing interest in other things, even those they do love best. Sounds you are doing an AMAZING job. Several of our members have elders who have lived very long lives indeed, one has a 107 year old grandmother. Wishing you both the very best.
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If this is a recent change, like you say in your post, it's probably time to get hospice involved as it could mean she's getting ready to leave this world for the next. My husband prior to going into his 6 week dying process, slept for about 18-20 hours a day, and he was only 72 when he died. Sleeping a lot is one of the steps leading up to death, so again, if you get hospice involved, they can better answer any questions you have. Also the fact that your mom is 101, could just mean that she's just really tired. I wish you peace in the days ahead with your mom.
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I think she is peacefully winding down. If it’s hard to wake her to eat, I wouldn’t. But I would be sure to know when she was awake to nourish her. They can get dry mouths too which is uncomfortable. I believe at this point, let her lead. Just make sure she gets everything-favorite foods & drinks, clean clothes, soft blankets, something like pandora playing her era of music, favorite shows on in the background, just make it nice. Wouldn’t we all be so lucky.
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Why at the age of 101 would one think that 3 meals a day are necessary and that this obviously peaceful soul should be awakened to eat. Let her be. If she should pass on in her sleep it will not be from starvation. Perhaps her independence is dictating a need for sleep at this advanced age and not the desire for 3 meals a day.
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