
Ao my grandma has been on hospice care for quite a while now. We made the decision to remove the feeding tube after Dr. telling us there is no longer anything we can do. It's been over a week and we hate seeing her still fight. When will she pass? What's the process like? Her mouth stays open now and she seems alot more tired. Is it coming soon??

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I am so sorry, treborv. I can't imagine how hard this is for you and your family and your grandmother. Sometimes a loved one fights because there is someone they need to see, or they need to hear that it's alright for the loved one to pass on. Don't feel you must remain in the room; sometimes a loved needs solitude. There are several threads in this forum about this process that can bring you some peace.
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I am so sorry, but it happens when it happens. We kept asking the nurses, when, when, and they could only say they didn't know. Just in case this isn't been done she may be more comfortable if her mouth is kept moist and her lips gently coated with cream. I think all you can do, really, is be with her for now.
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