
He needs physio but he has cognitive impairment as well. I can’t bear to leave him on his own. He wouldn’t cope without seeing me. He has relied on me for so long. He would respond better if I could stay with him overnight as well as daytime. I don’t think he would respond very well. Or do you think I should step back and let the team do their job. I’m heartbroken at the thought of him being without me.

When my husband went into rehab after a stroke I stayed at a hotel across the street from the rehab center so I could spend most of the day and evening with him. How close is the rehab facility from your home?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to LostinPlace

This is something for you to discuss with the careteam involved, Daisy.
You may be surprised to find he does surprisingly well; and you may be right that he will not.
I think no one can know until it happens (unless you have past experience to draw upon.

You have told us nothing really about your hubby. You are new here and we welcome you; just know that the more info you give us the more helpful we may hope to be with our answers.

I am assuming there is some underlying dementia here, as you say that he cannot thrive without you.
Can you tell us a bit about your hubby and his diagnosis?
Can you tell us how he has done in hospital?
Any change in environment is difficult, and here he has two changes.

When one is a caregiver one becomes kind of "glued at the hip" with the loved one.
I would voice your concerns to his current care team.
The rehab should have a caregiving conference with you ASAP and if they don't then ask for one from the Social Worker involved. This would include PT, OT, sometimes MD, dietician, discharge planning and nursing. You can here speak with them regarding your concerns.

I am wishing you lots of good luck and hoping you will update us as you go along. Meanwhile please DO allow yourself a couple of moments of extra shut-eye and perhaps a lunch out with a loved one?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer
cover9339 Oct 3, 2024
Brings to mind the husband and wife that stayed at the facility. Husband was there for PT. When he was done and was discharged, his wife was so upset, she took it out on the nurse.
When my very elderly Aunt with advanced dementia broken 2 bones on 2 different occasions, our family caregiver spent a lot of time with her. Apparently the first time (for a broken knee cap) when left alone the first night she yelled her sister's name incessantly (Shadowing). When she was in rehab the 2 time for a broken hip, she was attempting to get out bed still. Family stayed as much as possible to make sure she was eating and drinking and having her needs met, because a rehab facility is not necessarily treating a patient like they are in LTC.

I would definitely have a discussion with the facility admins.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777

Daisymay13, welcome to the forum. As to being able to stay with your hubby while he is in rehabilitation, that is up to the rehabilitation center. A place to sleep may be limited as usually the room accommodates one hospital bed, or the room is set up for two paying patients. You might need to pay the going rate for using the other bed.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to freqflyer

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