
I don’t have any support in this country. I’m almost 70 years old. It is a very difficult time for me. I don’t no what’s to do. Thanks, Natasha

You don't give us much to go on here Natasha, and you haven't filled out your profile, so I'm not sure exactly what you're needing/asking.
Why is this such a "difficult time" for you now? You say that your husband is in "ok" health, so is it you in poor health?
You are only 70 which is quite young, so I hope you're doing ok.
If you're looking ahead to when your husband dies(because he's 15 years older than you) and wondering what you'll do then, you will do what all of us that have lost a spouse have done and that is you'll get on with living and making the most out of whatever life you have left.
And if you don't know many people yet, why don't you get involved in the many activities that your Senior Center has going on every day, or if you're fortunate enough to have Shepherd Center in your city they offer a lot of programs as well.
Plus if you have Silver Sneakers as part of your insurance plan, you and your husband can go take exercise classes at your local YMCA.
And of course your local church is a great way to meet other folks your age too.
You and your husband are going to have put in the effort to get out there and start meeting people if you're wanting things to change, and I wish you well in doing just that.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59

I have to ask the delicate but relevant question of whether you are here legally or not... is this why you feel worried about being unsupported? I'm not judging you, but it gives us context to your question and concerns so we can give you the best guidance.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

Hubby is in OK health.
It is time now to learn to do things.
What does hubby say when you tell HIM what you just told US?
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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