
But his attention span is shortening. He wants to go out to eat every night, he wants to have “parties” at our house, he insists on going to my dr visits with me...he is driving me crazy. Besides the tv was a great baby sitter, now I’m concerned about leaving him home by himself b/c he's digging around looking for something that needs to be done. Any suggestions?

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A lot of people have written that their loved ones enjoy adult day care; it would give him a place to go where are activities and people to socialize with and it would give you a break apart from each other - hopefully there is a good one in your area.
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belindaparis Aug 2019
I think daycare would be a great idea for him but I am unsure how to approach it with him. I was thinking I could convince him it is a senior center, he would not accept “daycare.”
Senior Daycare for ALZ and Dementia clients is a Godsend!  Be sure you find one that has a wide variety of activities during the day and has a wide range of clients - so he has someone he can talk to (my mom is nonverberal and you wouldn't want him at a location that had only those types of clients).  you can tell him they need volunteers, stay with him a little each day and slowly work your way out. He'll probably have a good time.
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I remember someone on the forum mentioning that their loved one thought they worked at the day care - tell him whatever works for you!
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Hi guys We have an appointment next week to visit a “senior social center” (daycare) The director said lots of activities, men and card games... I think it would be perfect for him, I hope he thinks so too. I’ll keep y’all posted, wish me luck!
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You say that he likes to color, how about taking him to some art classes? As for him insisting that he goes with you to your doctor appointments, you can say no, and have someone babysit him while you are out. If you let him, he will manipulate you every chance he gets, it is just what they do.
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belindaparis Aug 2019
I take him to a ceramic class with my 9 yr old grandson on most sat mornings, he seems interested and participates but that takes care of only a few hours a week. He just started this behavior where he shuts off the tv, stares into space and or walks around aimlessly, I have him clean out kitchen drawers and the pantry, but again not a daily activity. I’m taking it one day at a time to see if this may be a short lived stage, fingers crossed, thanks for you support
Belinda, tell him senior care whatever works. Stretching the truth is a daily part of being a caretaker.
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My mom plays solitaire.
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