A year ago, my husband and his brother had a conversation about the family home. We have lived there for 23 years and we have refinanced the home. After the conversation, he suddenly got very mean to me. Condemning my family and saying I was one of them. Telling me he is selling the house and told me to get my things out. Giving me deadlines and threats that his kids would remove them. He would kiss me good morning and good night and in between ask me when I’m going to get out. He would change his mind every other day about selling and renting the house. He talks to his kids and not me. Now, I’m not part of family picnics and he and his kids hang up on me when I ask why. This is crazy.
For a couple months, I won’t kiss him or sleep with him because of his mixed messages. He has been more civil since then. How can he have more control over his behavior now?