
He had a triple by pass last June. Meds have not been helping. His heart muscle is weak. We would like to also know who is the best cardiologist in the U.S. to go to?

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I don't know the answer to your questions. Maybe you can check with the American Heart Association.
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An ejection fraction of 17% will keep you on the road for quite a long time. You won't feel so great, but it isn't by any means the end of the line.

When you say meds have not been helping... I can't stress enough that you *must* get explanations from your husband's doctors about what is happening and what you should expect; but I think you may find that the meds are designed to prevent further harm, rather than to "strengthen" his heart as such. So from that point of view, they are helping. They're stopping his heart from getting worse and they're keeping him out of danger.

Are you not satisfied with your husband's cardiologist? Is there something in particular that you're concerned about? There is nothing wrong with asking for a second opinion, you are completely entitled to do that; but the best cardiologist for your husband is likely to be the one that knows him and knows his medical history.

And the American Heart Association is a very good source of information, I agree.
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