
Half the time I do spend crying is due to regret. I spent 17 months taking care of my ailing mom. For the first 6 months it was just neuropathy (due to CIDP) and loss of motor control with the occasional bowl movement cleanup. From there it only got worse, her disease progressed so she had dementia as well, which made her aggressive. Her pain increased as time went on and just became unbearable for her.
I moved 2 states over to be with her and took care of her full time. I wasn't even working, just going to school. I told her "you are my job, I will take you to movies and do whatever so you want be alone and depressed." And that is what I did every day for 14 months.
In the last 3 months especially I lost my temper multiple times: Like yanking my arm away to avoid her touch when picking her up - I dislike human contact when I am stressed. Or telling her to not feel sorry for herself. Not comforting more and when she said "take me to the hospital I am dying" when she had been on hospice for months. "Yes, I know mom, there is nothing they can do there we don't already have here," I said rather indifferently.
"Manhandling" her at least twice when she didn't tell me she needed to go to the bathroom until after I lifted her and sat her down.
And other things. I have been irreligious for some time but I so badly want there to be an afterlife where I can apologize to her. Does feelings of guilt get better with time? Has anyone been a caregiver to someone in extreme pain (just all encompassing) with dementia?

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Oh my friend, much of what you write here resonates with me. It is so hard to caregive 24/7 for months, or for years. Mistakes will be made. I once was angry and pulled the Hoyer lift into position in an abrupt way — how could I do that? And I said things indifferently or snappishly, like in the middle of the night cleaning up after a Foley catheter leak that had soaked everything …

You obviously loved your mom very much, just as I dearly loved my dad, but because we’re weak and frail humans, we sometimes lost our temper and messed up. I don’t think we can let the mistakes be more important than the love we expressed.

Please accept my condolences for the loss of your beloved mother. Thinking of you.

PS I took my dad to the movies too! The last one (pre-Covid) was Little Women, which he really enjoyed.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to SnoopyLove

First I am so sorry about your mom.

Secondly you where in burnout from 24/7 care and didn't realize it .

Long term caregiving, changes your brain chemistry. Long term caregiving gives you PTSD. You are on constant alert, your brain never rest or sleep. The human brain can't function like that.

You have nothing to feel guilty about because your brain was not functioning enough to even think right, about things like getting help
That's why we are here to help people, to educate people, so this doesn't happen. So you where also uneducated on what to do. We hope that people come to us before this happens.

My mom is in bad pain now. From a degenerative back. Thankfully I found this form 6 months ago . I can't only be around someone in pain for so long. Some people can handle it, some can't. I can't! And I am trying to be around mom as little as I can.

You are also a victim of society expectations that we are supposed to take care of are parents, no matter if it kills us doing it. And if we don't we are horrible people. And we are groomed from a young age from society, from are parents, family, neighbors.

First you need to get therapy.
Welcome to this forum. I'm gonna check back latter , if I think of More.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Anxietynacy
Anxietynacy Jul 26, 2024
Cat, I also want to say, thanks for sharing your story, I am not going through an easy time. Your story helps me also.
See 1 more reply
First I am here to tell you that anyone that has cared for someone for any length of time(if they're honest)have lost their temper with that person, myself included.
We are all human, and we all have our breaking points, so please don't beat yourself up over what you did or didn't do. You did the very best you could and that is all any of us can do.
Your mom knew how much you loved her and that you did a great job caring for her, so rest in the knowledge of that.
Don't waste your time with the should haves, could haves and would haves.
YOU DID YOUR VERY BEST! Period. End of sentence.
So be kind to yourself now and take this time to rest and take care of yourself, and may the Good Lord give you peace and comfort in the days, weeks and months ahead.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to funkygrandma59

In the midst of all you were doing, self care was neglected, resulting in you being completely burned out. Not your fault, it inevitably happens under such stressful circumstances. We’ve all shown less patience and more irritation than we wish we’d done at times, many times. Forgive yourself, know that your mother knew your love, and move forward in peace. Seek out a GriefShare group in your area, they’re a huge help to many. I wish you healing and peace
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Daughterof1930

You have told us of some things that concern you about how you treated her. I think these feelings may stay with you. I would consider seeing a cognitive therapist to her you work through the guilt you felt while caregiving.

I found some overall comfort in keeping a journal of "letters to D." after his death. There I communicated with him as though he was still alive, and told him thing of interest. It also gave me an opportunity to explain some of my action, to apologize for any failing.

You will need to come to some peace with your human limitations, but I think a few sessions with a counselor may help you. I surely do wish you the best.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to cover9339

Please don't feel guilty! You did your best! You did so much more for your mother than most people can do. You have a conscience. I am so sorry for your pain and guilt! You have a big heart and it's going to take time to heal. We all regret, but that is because we are struggling to figure out life. If God exists, you will see your mom and give her a big hug. Your mom knows about what you dealt with while taking care of her. Find things to give you joy and move forward!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Onlychild2024

I was raised Catholic, I am now a non practicing Catholic (the church and I do no see eye to eye on what I think are pretty important issues, they won't change and neither will I) This all to explain my response...
As far as I know the last "Perfect" person was nailed to a cross a while back.
You have no reason to feel "guilty" for what would be normal emotions.
You still cared for your mom.
You did for your mom, she cared for you. And I bet there were times when she lost her temper, said what might have been unkind words.
You do not have to wait for an afterlife to talk to her. You do have to be open and listen not just with your ears but your heart and mind. She is there. I still hear my mom and she has been dead almost 60 years, it is more difficult to hear my dad.
Seek a therapist. A few sessions can do wonders.
A Bereavement Support Group. Hospice will have one that you can go to, usually offered for the next year or so.
And most important..
Be kind to yourself. What you remember is not what your mom remembered about your care of her.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to Grandma1954
JuliaH Jul 26, 2024
That was beautiful! All is forgiven when they are gone to a better place,they know how hard it was for us. Only thing that should be felt is fond memories and love.
Condolences on the loss of your mom. It's traumatic to lose a parent, and it will take a while to move beyond the overwhelming sadness you are feeling. Why are you beating yourself up for being human. You cared for her and gave up your life to do so. You weren't perfect...well, that's because you're human and none of us is perfect. You did the BEST, you were the BEST, you are the BEST. There's no care home, hospital, or other person who could have done better. Dementia and watching someone decline is an awful experience for the patient and caregiver. You have earned the respect of all around you and you gave the love your mom needed. Now is the time for you to heal and take care of yourself.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Tynagh

catsonmars02 I am so sorry for your loss. It is clear that you loved your mom deeply and that this is a very difficult time for you. It is natural to have complex feelings and emotions in the wake of such a loss.

Caring for someone with cognitive challenges is incredibly challenging, and it is normal to feel frustrated and exhausted. These feelings are a testament to how much you cared and how hard you tried to provide the best care possible.

None of us are perfect, and caregiving, especially under the stress of dementia, is a tough job. It is important to remember that making mistakes does not diminish the love and dedication you had for your mom.

Be gentle with yourself. Guilt is a natural response, but it is important to recognize that you did the best you could under very difficult circumstances. Everyone has moments of struggle, and acknowledging them is a sign of your compassion and self-awareness.

Think about the many ways you showed your love and care for your mom. Your commitment to her well-being, even through difficult times, speaks volumes about your dedication and heart.

Consider speaking with a counselor or therapist who can help you work through these feelings of guilt. Sometimes talking to a professional can offer perspective and help you find peace.

If you need someone to talk to or if there’s anything specific I can do to support you during this time, please let me know. Sometimes, just having someone to listen can make a big difference.

best wishes and again sorry for your loss.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to SusanHeart

So sorry for your loss 🙏🏼
Anyone who does this job 24/7 with no caregiver help for respite will no longer be in their right mind. You would be on verge of cracking up or nervous breakdown. Hugs 🤗
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to CaregiverL

I'm sorry for your loss and sorry you have feelings of regret. I was my mom's primary caregiver for about 5 years, then her advocate for another 5 years. She was my daily concern for all those years. I never lost my temper with her, but my husband did once and my brother did rather consistently. One of my sons became her primary caregiver for just 4 months of all that time. That was all he could handle without becoming angry at her and he didn't want to let that happen. It is just really really difficult work. I suggest you write some stories about your time caring for her. Find in your memories some really wonderful moments or days. I like remembering the very funny things that happened with my mom. As dreadful as it was that Mom had Alzheimer's, there was humor to be found.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to ArtistDaughter

You are human.... you just reacted. You can't premeditate that. Trust me, everyone has told me I have done more than I should for my dad but I tell them I need to be able to live with myself when he passes.
I hate to go all Oprah, but she always says we are not defined by a few actions or moments.

Don't dwell on the moments that were just a natural reaction. Again, YOU ARE HUMAN and you reacted like a HUMAN!!!

Again, easy for me to say. But I am learning, that you can only do so much.

Take the time you need and be sad. Dwell on those moments if you have to but don't let it define all the time you spent with your mom until the end. That isn't fair to you or your mom.

Hang in there.

Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Starrann69

Oh, please don't do this to yourself. We all lose our temper or patience. You were a remarkable daughter/son. [Sorry, I didn't catch which].
You have done everything you possibly could that most would not have. I commend you.
Please do not feel guilty. She knew you loved her and what I read what you've done for her, I can see you loved her.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Your heart will heal. Don't beat yourself up. You're human.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Tiredniece23

I mean its tough, The last 2 months she seemed to resent me. I told her I loved her and she just said "oh you do?". I was like "you didn't know what?!", and she goes "well you never really know, you worry about feeling appreciated". Which is amazing she was able to speak with remarkable clarity at times. So she did outright reject me telling her I love her.

I think I am going to try to lay off beating myself up so much for now because I know my mind will try to sublimate thoughts of guilt and shame to anger and resentment.

My best wasn't good enough I guess. But I can only fight and continue on. You don't even need to be spiritual to acknowledge I am what is left of her in this world. We used to say how similar we were -of course I forget why, I only remember the bad. Hey, maybe she was like that too...
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to catsonmars02
JuliaH Jul 26, 2024
That wasn't her sweetie, that was her illness! Her brain was broken, that's the disease talking. Let it go! You can't fix broken.
See 1 more reply
Thank you. Hoyer lift? Is that like to move someone out of a wheelchair or bed? Man I needed something like that. I used to lift up my 70-90 pound mom and do the "wedding carry" to her bed sofa chair and back. It was exhausting.
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Reply to catsonmars02
SnoopyLove Jul 27, 2024
Yes, Hoyer lifts are great. The one good thing about my dad’s spinal cord injury that paralyzed him is that during his stay in spinal cord injury rehab, family members were trained how to use a Hoyer lift and otherwise physically care for the paralyzed person by physical and occupational therapists. It seems like family members whose loved ones have different diagnoses or less acute health situations are not always educated about options like that.
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