
My job is here in New Jersey. I am worried about her.

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Whatever you do, do not quit your job, or move her in with you, or you with her. Those things are disasters in waiting.
Helpful Answer (3)

Your Mom may have to go into care.
You may need to take a while off your job, family leave, to get this accomplished.
I cannot imagine any other answer other than if you would prefer your Mom accept guardianship of the state to manage things for her.
You don't give us much information about Mom's diagnosis, prognosis, assets and resources. More information may help us answer.
Helpful Answer (2)

Well, not much background information given besides she is in pain and living far from you.

I'd consider the relationship between you both. Many times children take time off work to help their parent/s settle in somewhere better suited for their needs or simply just take care of them while they're sick. Sometimes, they move their parent to live with them. Sometimes we pay for someone to check on them and take them to the doctors among other places. You may move your mother to your city and not necessary live together, if that is a problem.
Helpful Answer (2)

What is the cause of her pain?

Is it something that she maybe should call 911 for? Or take herself to the Urgent Care or ER? Is there no one there, no family or neighbor, friend or someone from her place of worship who could deal with it for the time being so she gets some relief?

Is this a sudden problem (acute)? Or some condition she's had pre-existing that is now gotten worse (chronic)?

Does your mother have any cognitive/memory impairement?

Are you (or is anyone) her medical PoA?

We really can't give you any useful suggestions without way more information.
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Listen & ask. Is Mom wanting to have a friendly ear for some TLC? Or does she need help to make changes to her life?
Helpful Answer (1)

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