
I have no family and I don't want to give up my dogs.

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I believe the poster is a joker.
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Jenny it sounds like you need your local social services office to help you. Have you been there, do you have a case manager?
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You won’t be able to keep the house unless you get a job. Most states have a long waitlist for section 8 help, you likely won’t be able get assistance right away.
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FloridaDD Jul 2020
This, good advice.  OP your best bet may be to look for a room for rent till you can get Section 8 or other subsidized living.
Its been 3 months, how have you been handling the bills? And, if your electric is $900 there is a problem. Or is that all your utilities, if so still sounds high. I live in a house and with running a/c constantly since May, mine is not over $200.

Saying that, yes you need to go to your County Social Service Dept. You may be able to get some financial help but it will not be longterm.

What I am seeing, you are not able to keep up a house. Even HUD has a limit on what they allow for rent. Last year it was $910 for a one bedroom. They will not pay for a 2 b/r if not needed. With ur income HUD would probably have you to pay $235 a month with them picking up the balance. You can get help with electric and heat. Food stamps. Medicaid. If you are a Senior, start with Office of Aging.

If you have not paid rent since Mom passed, you can be evicted. Yes, your dogs are a problem. Apartment complexes will allow animals but restrict certain breeds of dogs.
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Why would you need POA? That is only effective if Mom was alive.

I assuming Mom had no Will. So if Mom left bank accounts and you are not on them, or any other assets, u need to go to your County probate office. Depending on the amount she left u can become an Administrator or sign an affidavit. This will give you a Short Certificate allowing you to get to Moms money. Here in my State an affidavit is for under 20k. The person getting that does not have to probate the assets. An Administrator does and Probate determines who inherits.
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I want to keep the house where do i go to get help fincaly
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Power of atorny
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Get a job?
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When u say SSI do you mean Social Security Disbility or Supplimental income?
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Even if you get financial assistance it will not cover what your deficit is. Time to find a new place to live.
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