
She also has dementia and defibrillation of the heart.

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Being 103 is not common so I doubt there are lots of statistics about "normal" behaviors at that age.

When my husband (Lewy Body Dementia) began sleeping 20 hours a day, we called hospice in. He died 5 weeks later.

I think it is expected for persons with dementia (of any age) to begin sleeping more and more near the end.

Would it be appropriate, do you think, to seek hospice care for her?
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She's 103! Gosh, I feel like sleeping quite often and I'm in my early 60's.
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Has it been normal for her?

If she has spent much of her time sleeping, napping, dozing, nodding off and it's just slowly and gradually increased, then given that she is 103, wouldn't you think it fair enough?

But if she has been quite active until recently, and this is a sudden change, then no it isn't normal for her and you should report it to her health care team.
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