
I was told that I had to be careful what doctor visits I took her to since she may not be covered while on Hospice

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I've been curious about that too, since, my LO went on Hospice. To be on the safe side, the MC has a sign up near her bed to call the Hospice nurse before 911 or other doctors. That way they can assess it and determine best route. There is a Hospice doctor as well. Plus, my LO retained her existing doctor too. So, they should be able to handle it and determine if she needs a specialist.
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This is something you need to ask the hospice nurse.
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Once a patient is on Hospice, you need to call Hospice if there are any issues. If you simply take her to see an ENT, Medicare will not pay the bill; they are paying Hospice for all of her care.

If there is an acute that needs to be treated, she may need to come off Hospice while that treatment is on-going; then she can go back on.

Call the Hospice nurse and discuss.
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