
She fell 3x in 4 weeks. She lives with 94 year old husband. I am POA and requested she go to rehab to get stronger and care. She feels she could go back home. She is very dependent, incontinent, mobility from bed to chair, cannot bathe herself, cannot change/clean herself. She wants to revoke her POA and get legal help to return home. I don’t believe she can care for herself at home.

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Must she threaten you to get home? You don’t mention dementia. I agree the rehab would probably make her stronger. Why not try home health. With them you can could get help with her vitals, baths and get PT at home. Perhaps she would be more willing to participate. Has she been evaluated by a neurologist?
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Unless your Mom has a Dementia or cognitive impairment of some kind, ur POA is not in effect. She can make her own decisions. She does not have to except Rehab. The Hospital or her Dr. can prescribe home care. Homecare9 will come in and evaluate Mom and the home. They will suggest what they feel she needs and give her PT/OT to see where her problem is. Medicare will pay for this.
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If she has the funds to pay for 24/7 in home care, then she should go home and pay for that care w/o burdening you or her husband to do it for her. Neither one of you are in any position to do ALL that FOR her. As long as she understands the costs and that someone must be hired to be her caregiver, then all should be well. If not, then she'll need to move into a Skilled Nursing Facility. She shouldn't have to hire legal help in this situation but go back home with paid help to see IF it will work out. If she can't afford to pay for live in help, well then, that's another story.
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