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Sprays or plug ins? Let the bathroom fan run for awhile while she is in the bathroom an after? Maybe an essential oil mister? Good luck, they make lots of products and maybe one will help?
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Try spraying the toilet water with that Poo Pouri before she uses the toilet. I know it's amazing on #2 smells, and have never used it for urine, but the idea that the water tension is not broken when 'whatever' gets put in there--IDK, just a shot in the dark.

Also, maybe bleach tablets in the tank, so the water being flushed is always bleachy. No reason you couldn't put 2 in there.

My heart aches for you & this simple problem. My mother's whole apartment stinks of strong, old urine. She just puts up more air fresheners, which do NOT help.
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White sage. Burn a little in the space where it smells. It's miraculous!
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purplebadger Apr 2021
Great idea! Sage literally kills bacteria and other yucky stuff from the air! Too bad I can't put it in the laundry machine!
Get those bags of charcoal for deotderizing put in bathroom in her bedroom and Ny where she spends take and have an accident. If you can't find them get charcoal air filtters.
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I have the same problem with my parent. I air the house out as much as I can and use a deodorant spray from Walmart for pet urine oders
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