
I would like to know if there is a Dentist in central NC who accepts patients who cannot be lifted out of their wheelchair onto the regular dental chair.

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All great suggestions above. I will say that while in a dentist office lobby with my LO, who was in a wheelchair, but, able to transfer to dental chair, I saw a patient come in on a full stretcher on wheels, from a transport company. They wheeled her to the back area. I have no idea how they managed to treat her, but, apparently, it can be done. If you are located in NC, PM me and I'll tell you the name of the dentist office.
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Also, you might try calling a few dentist offices and asking if a wheelchair can fit. After my dad's injury, I called his regular dentist and spoke with the office manager and she was very helpful. My dad and I made a field trip at a time the office manager recommended to see if dad's large power wheelchair would fit into one of the rooms and it did. (And this was in an older 1950's style building with narrow halls and doorways.) For our first appointment in the wheelchair it took a little extra work on the part of the hygienist and dentist but they were very gracious and kind. For the next visit they made sure the largest room was available for him and had figured out a better way to position lighting over him, etc. and things went even smoother. So, so far it has been working out fine. Hope you can find a solution for your wife.
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Check out the North Carolina Dental Society's web page.

Contact your Area Agency on Aging. Even if you wife is not old enough to be considered "aging" this agency should be able to find that resource for you, or refer you to some other agency that has a database of such services.

Do you belong to a caregiver group? Ask if other people have found a service.

I am sure there is someone available to you. Come back if these resources don't yield successful results.
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