
She is a Christian sister and friend. She has dementia. She is 88 and very amazing. Still cleans her house, does her own laundry, works puzzle books like you wouldn't believe. Very active and loves going on outings. She amazes me because she can roll her hair perfectly with no mirror. Very healthy except for the dementia. Very strong, was a skater alot in younger years. But the Dr. Doesn't want her alone. She needs guidence at times. All this but I need a place she can go and enjoy and I can get away for a little while and someone to talk to besides her. Can anyone help?

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Alisajack - check also with your local agency on aging about support for caregivers. There may be support groups in your area. If all else fails and you just need to vent, come here and vent away - there are threads on here like "This is my whine today, what's yours" where you can simply whine, complain, vent, yell, scream - all online where no one will judge you for complaining about the tough job that is caregiving. We've all been there.
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Alisajack - contact your local agency on aging to see if they have a caregiver respite program. If they don't, perhaps they can refer you to a local program that can help. There are also adult day care or "friend" programs at your local agencies that might be able to take her off your hands for a few hours a day or even just once a week in order to give you a break. If all else fails, call Adult Protective Services and ask them if there is a caregiver respite program that can help.
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I already fill better just talking to someone besides her. I don't have alot to complain about. Right now she has some constipation and I have feed her everything with fiber.
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Thanks susan
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Good news Starting soon, 4_6 hrs a week two times a week. Hooray I am so happy. El Hannora (Awesome God)
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Thanks freqflyer
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There's one place here listed for a place she can go and enjoy herself and others. Call on Monday.
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Constipation - my mom suffered from that and was even hospitalized. Then I heard about prunes and that stuff is miraculous. She eats about six dried prunes a day and no problem now. Maybe that will work for your friend too?
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Wonderful news, Alisajack! See, all it took was a phone call. :-) Glad you're getting a break.

As to the constipation, if she doesn't like prunes or prune juice, try raisin bran cereal every day. Mom used to occasionally have constipation issues and a bowl of raisin bran would do the trick every time. Once she went into the nursing home, she started having problems again, and they put her on Senna. I took her out for a day trip to her favorite destination, and the staff failed to tell me they had given her FOUR Senna tabs with her meds. Needless to say, we had a nice trip, but with some very unpleasant bathroom stops. I'm glad I brought extra clothing, baby wipes and extra depends. She had more than one blowout.
I told the staff to stop the Senna at my request, as her medical POA and to give her 2 small dishes of fruit with every meal, and raisin bran once per week. She never needed Senna again.
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I got this stuff called smooth lax. It's a powder and resolves in any drink. I had a small glass with Gatorade and it's not bad. Started with less than half a dose and it worked next day. I think with fiber foods and a little of the smooth lax she is fine. Thanks Susan.
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