
Does Medicare/Medicaid provide financial support?

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What type of assisted care are you needing? Do you live at home and need in-home help? Do you need to move to an assisted living facility?

If you could be a little more specific you will get more specific suggestions.
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Opaof2, I see from your profile that you are taking care of someone who has general age decline. Are you looking for someone to come over to your home to help out, or are you looking to be paid for being a caregiver?

Sorry, Medicare doesn't provide any type of financial support. Check this website to see if there are items that whomever you are caring could use. Chances are that person's primary doctor would need to prescribe these items.

As for Medicaid, you will need to see if the person you are caring for can qualify for Medicaid. If yes, then Medicaid could help out with part-time caregivers coming to the house. Some States have a "Cash & Counseling" program. Remember, each State has their own programs, rules and regulations.

Also contact your county agency on aging for programs such as Case Management, Meals on Wheels, Adult Day Care, housing, care referrals, etc,... go to the website link below.... click on your State.... now click on the city/county.
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South Carolina has a community choices waiver program. check the state website or call your nearest office of the aging.
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The SC website lists 10 different agencies in South Carolina. Here is the main website so that you can contact the group nearest you.
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I am living by myself, but have trouble moving, standing, lifting, etc.
Expect to be in wheelchair in the near future.
Assisted living would be most convenient solution but is too expensive and not provided through Medicare.
Is periodic help (once a month) available and how to initiate that?
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