
Sister is moving several states away. This will leave just me as nearest to Mom. My 2 brothers are of no assistance. However, my daughter actually lives in the same town as Mom so I think she would be the logical choice to list as my other words, as the 2nd in line for making decisions. I also plan to get her put on Mom's checking account under me. That way, if something were to happen to me, she could take over paying bills, and the small amount of shopping that meets Mom's neeneeds.For a little background, originally sis & I met with elder lawyer to get will, POA(s) and everything lined up. When sis decided to move, I contacted the lawyer and they emailed me a "form" (a single page with words stating that sister is opting out and giving me the first position for POA), stating we didn't need them to do anything, we could just fill this out, get notarized and place it with the other documents. Sounds great, hope it's that simple.

My next question is, can we draw up a similar document to name my daughter as MY successor? Would that be sufficient?

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bumping this up. Is your mom still competent enough to add grand-daughter as successor POA? I think that's how this would have to be done.
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Cr get the POA done asap! Attorney is familiar with mom, knows her wishes. More important mom knows her, more comfortable than she would be with someone new.

And mom will only continue to decline.
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Barb, that's a good point. Mom's short term memory is shot but she would be fine with assigning my daughter.
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cr0105, it would be your Mom, today, telling an Attorney what changes she want, and that sounds like she wouldn't be able to do it :(

Make an appointment with an Elder Law Attorney to discuss the next steps, and how to go about adding names to a checking account, and other medical and financial matters.
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Just got letter in mail today stating our elder attorney is closing her practice.

Wondering what if anything I should get done quickly?
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