
Live in two story house with a sixteen step staircase. Transportation companies charge by the step. I have mobility problems due to MS. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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Those steps are problematic for reasons beyond the cost of transport, it sounds as though you are basically trapped in your home unless you have assistance to leave. How are you getting out to shop, attend social functions, collect your mail etc? What happens if there is an emergency? My mother remained in her isolated familiar farm house for year due to macular degeneration, in retrospect it was the wrong choice.
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In those cases ( my county services anyway) the client often needs to be at the curb waiting. It’s curb to curb transportation. OP has 16 steps. The driver can’t/won’t hold up all the other passengers to assist this person 16 steps x 2 each trip. The steps pose a liability for the transport company should anything happen to the driver. They aren’t allowed to leave the bus unattended for very long either .

Not many options here / continue to pay by step or move to a first floor dwelling.
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where do you need transportation TO? If it’s to doctors appointments and you are on Medi-cal, there is free transportation to your appointments. Just contact your care plan for more info on that. I’m not in L.A county like you so this may not apply but in my county, Medicare if you have it through Aspire provides free transportation to doctors appointments as well.
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