
33 yrs old

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What is “supportive housing”? Are you or where you live associated with any kind of agency for disabled persons? Do you have a case manager? Is there anyone supervising your care? Are you on Medicaid? A veteran? If so, both those agencies will assign a case manager. Do you have a physician? Their office can direct you to someone who can set up in-home care for you.

Is this what you are asking for or do you need assistance with food or other daily needs? Medicare/ Medicaid can also help with that.
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No. But check with your supportive living social worker. If your are on Medicaid check with your Medicaid case worker.
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You need to call your Mental health agency. Do you see a doctor? Ask him to help.

You must have somekind of income. SSI. Medicaid for insurance? Who are you caring for? We may be more able to help if you give us some background.
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Supportive housing was given to me from being homeless. I have no insurance. My case managers do nothing to help me. I heard of a boucher i could get because i have a mental illness.
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