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I am seeing this post loud and clear. Are you commenting and it isn't taking the comments? I haven't had any problems today, NeedHelp Hopefully if it continues someone here has a contact email of some kind? I sure don't. Someone said their is a contact us link, but I have never run into that. CAN YOU SEE THIS POST? I remember BarbBrooklyn had trouble with a device and getting on. Barb, any ideas?
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Let’s see. My responses weren’t showing up in other threads.
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I see your post and I also saw the message you left me on my page today. No problems on my end either. Try turning your computer off and back on again........sometimes a reset helps. Now, if we could do that with 2020 we'd be all set, huh? :)
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AlvaDeer Nov 2020
Second time today you made me laugh. Like others, with all you are dealing with in your own life I don't know how you do it. Your solid goodness and kind heart makes you one of those I would like to be like when I grow up.
Trying to get through.
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