
I'm a private in home caregiver currently caring for an 88 year old gentleman. There are 4 other caregivers that make up our team of round the clock care. The man has a girlfriend that works in the laundry at a local nursing home. She leaves work and comes to the home to visit him without changing clothes or showering. I'm at wits end, not only because of the risk of infecting my patient, but I'm immune compromised as are several of the other caregivers. This week, I ended my shift 3 hours early when she showed up straight from work. I had hoped this would make my point, however I can't get any support at all from the family on this topic, they just tell her to visit on days when I'm not there. How does that help? It's still risking infection for him, and then all of us. I live in a town where they're not doing any testing at all, and they're especially not testing in nursing homes when people die. I need this job, but I'm so frustrated with this whole situation that I simply can't stand it.

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If you working thru an agency - let them know the situation. They should have guidelines for the family and guests. They are not testing where we live either, and most folks just take this as not important. Can you find another job while you hold on to this one - one where they care.
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Have you spoken directly to the GF about it? Even if she personally doesn't see a need 🙄 it is always possible that she may be willing to make a few adjustments to her schedule and at least go home to change before visiting, it doesn't hurt to ask (in a non accusatory self effacing way)
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