
I feel quite unsafe. I don't live in the main house but l do need to use the bathroom and office where the computer is with a few pieces of my furniture. I've been here for 3 or so years and things got shaky a year ago and now there is a turn for the worst. She poisoned my tooth brush with a bleach substance. I would never leave my personal body items where she could get them. Have a spy camera in my bungalow. I dare not eat food from her. Thinking of going to talk with her doctor. Does anyone else have these wonderous stories?

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You can go and see your mother's doctor if you like, but as your mother is 59 years old and at this point in full command of her own healthcare her doctor can't tell you anything without her permission.

Why does your mother need your care?
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Wow. I have no experience of this but you have strength & stamina to have got where you have with your career.

Do the benefits of living in your bungalow outway the negatives for you? Are you wanting to stay or have you considered living a bit more separately? I don't know where you live, but would renting a small apartment be affordable?
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Why do you live there? I Don't consider 59 elderly. Who owns the home? Do you have the option to move elsewhere?
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You can write down what is going on and take it to him. She needs to be evaluated.
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