
Nursing home sent a bill for my dad... what Medicare did not pick up for the month. He is Medicaid Pending (from May 1). Lawyer and Medicaid Caseworker say not to pay it. Now I am getting the evil eye from the lady at the nursing home who does the billing. I dread going there because I always end up seeing her around. I wish the Title 19 would be approved soon so they can get paid and I can relax. I am so stressed out over this Medicaid Pending.

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Do you think she's really giving you the evil eye? Or are you (like me) one of those perpetually hyper-responsible people who always feels like we've done something wrong, even when we haven't.

Can you speak with the billing person about this issue? You may find out that your impression that she's looking askance at you is not true.
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I agree with Barb. It’s not like they’re docking the financial person’s pay because you haven’t paid the bill. When you pass her, smile pleasantly, say hello and keep moving. You’ve gotten the advice not to pay the bill from 2 people in the know.
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Your Medicaid caseworker is the final answer on this...if s(he) says don’t pay it anything, don’t pay it. I had to scan and email copies of every bill I received to her, so she could tally them up for the big final $ reckoning. Moms Pending status took 4 months and hers was relatively easy. The caseworker can probably give you an idea how much longer it will take. I spoke to mine weekly and it was hard to watch unpaid bills pile up!
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Thank you for your answers!

rocketjcat... yes... it is SO hard to watch the all the medical bills pile up. But they tell me not to pay... so I'm not.

And yes... the billing lady at the nursing home made a comment to me. She said "How can I pay my girls to take care of your father if we're not getting paid" So that made me feel AWFUL. It just made a horrible situation even worse.

I'm about 2 months into the Medicaid process. I wish I could see the light at the end of the Title 19 tunnel!
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Linda; How incredibly inappropriate of the "billing lady".

No one at a NH is supposed to know who the Medicaid patients are; that information is confidential.

I would report this incident to the Director of the facility AND to the Ombudsman. This is so very out of line.

I wonder if she has her hand in the till.
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That billing lady is a twit. I would speak the Administrator at the place and tell them you are being harassed and exactly what she said. I can’t imagine ANYONE at Moms NH ever speaking to me like that.
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I agree with you, Rocket. I wonder if billing lady says anything to the patient? Or to the "girls"?  This is confidential information.  She is so very out of line, I'm boiling over this!

You really need to report this.
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You're right on my count, Tacy!
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Heh, my first job out of college was in A/R...with a bunch of old biddies and I got out fast. But now I am one too :-) and have no tolerance for crap like Linda’s getting and I hope she speaks up about it if she feels it’s warranted.
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