
I'm a caregiver professionally for elderly clients and looking for support groups in Loudoun county. Any suggestions?

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Call the Area Agency on Aging. They will help you locate them.
Helpful Answer (5)
caitlin4care Dec 2020
Will do, thanks for the help.
caitlin4care, I assume you mean Loudoun County, Virginia, correct? I recall many years ago the Loudoun Times Mirror or either the Washington Post Thursday "local" use to have a list of support groups, I wish they would bring back that much needed information.

I found the best support group was right here on AgingCare. If you have any questions, many of us have been members of this website for many years, and have seen everything.

If you need immediate information go to the blue/green bar across the top of the page and click on "CARE TOPICS", there is a store house of information on that link.
Helpful Answer (2)
caitlin4care Dec 2020
Yes, I meant Virginia. Thank you for clarifying. I guess I'm looking for a video conference group-therapy-style support group, is that available through this organization? I am totally new to this.
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