
I’m concerned that maybe the lights will be too much. Opinions?

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Ask her room mate.
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Our mc has a big tree up front. I put a wreath on mthr's door and some seasonal decorations, and s fake poinsettia. She can water it every hour if she's like, but it will never drop dirt on the floor!

You could put one of those solar powered wigglers in the shape of a tree if you had to. Great thing about those is that they stop in low light.
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I think your idea to get your Mother a little tree is wonderful and whether it had lights or not ,it would be all her own and she could see it all the time in her room.That's very thoughtful of you~
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Thank you everyone! My sister found a 12” tree that has programmable lights that go off after six hours. I’m thinking I can program it to come on at noon and off at 6. Her roommate is ok with having decorations.
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