
Can a POA use the credit card of the person that they are the POA for. For example can they use the person's credit card to pay their bills?

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I'm not too sure if it is technically legal, but I have used my mom's credit card for years. It is a great way to keep track of expenditures as everything is detailed on the monthly charge card bill. Now that we use PIN numbers instead of a signature it is even easier, but I used to just sign as POA and seldom was questioned. (I was advised to do this by someone at the credit card company).

For recurring household bills I set up automatic payment from her bank account, less for me to remember every month and it worked like a charm, we have never had any problems with it.
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The POA should not pay their own expenses with the person's card. Is that what you are asking? The POA is responsible to use all sources of funds for the benefit of the person they have the POA for.
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It must depend on the bank. My mother's bank does not allow me to use her credit card for her expenses. Yet when I pay for things for her all I have to do is produce receipts and they pay me back. They don't allow the POA to do online banking either which is a pain.
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Emjo, if you had access to you mom's bank card and PIN how would they know who was actually doing the online banking? My mom never had a card, but when it became mandatory I was allowed one as a POA, however I am limited as to which accounts I can access through it online.
That said, I sometimes find it shocking how little oversight there is on what I do with my Mom's money. It seems like I could easily run off with the whole lot of it and no one would question it at all.
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I have her bank card but not her PIN number. I could use her visa online without them knowing but I don't want to do what is against their regulations. I need to be "clean" in everything I do for mother.On the other hand, like you, I am surprised they are so strict about that, but I can present any receipts to a teller and tell them the expenditure was for my mother and they will give me cash for them without question. I guess it amounts to the POA being a position of trust. I would like to do it all online as I do my own business, as it is so much more convenient. We have long winters and with my health issues I go out as little as possible in the winter.
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The person could add the poa, or actually anyone, onto the account as an additional cardholder.
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tx - that is true. In my case, Mother is past doing that and would probably not have done it at the time. Anything to make more work for me!
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For years I have been using my Mom's credit card whenever I need to buy something for her or Dad, be it in person or on-line. Since most stores you slide the card into a machine at check out, then scribble the signature, not once did anyone question the card.

Life so much easier that way instead of me using my own money and being reimbursed..... otherwise I would have to run to the bank to deposit a check or run to my parent's bank to get cash for them to use to pay me.... one less trip for me, or any mix-ups on who owed what.
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if the person is deceased and the credit cards are still open can a user on them still use the cards?
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Vickie, I would think not. Was it a joint account? I used to work for a bank, daily the death records would be checked and accounts of those deceased frozen. All you may need to do is call the financial institution to report the death. There must be some sort of clearing house for this purpose. Ask your own bank.
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Vicki, no you cannot used the credit card. Once I tried to use my Mom's credit card to pay for groceries for my Dad as it was a joint card with my Dad. My Mom's credit card was no longer valid, but my Dad's card was still active.

So what I did, I started to use one of my own credit cards just for items that my Dad needed. Then when the bill came, it was paid from Dad's checking account that also had my name on the account [John Smith or Jane Smith].
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