
Frustrated. On our way to a funeral cross country. Husband had a fall and broke back (L-1 ) and arm. Thankfully no more than that❤️

Hospital discharged us 3 days ahead of when neurosurgeon wanted us discharged. He is in a cast for arm and brace for broken back.

I have been full time caregiving and am hurting and exhausted so have decided to not participate in transfers etc.

This stay has been so aggravating, half the time no one shows up. Pain meds aren’t given on time and when transferring or being moved he vomits because the pain is so excruciating.

I’ve had to assist because only 1 person shows up and he’s a mandatory minimum 2 person transfer.

A nurse couldn’t get any help yesterday and I had to help and he was going down! It was only by the grace of God I was able to hold him.

We are 800 miles from home in a town we don’t know and I’m just frustrated.

I planned to have him do a SNF rehab stay once we got home for a while but I am at such a loss. I’m not certain I can transport him home myself or what the options are.

This place is supposed to be an acute rehab hospital and they can’t get his basic care right; what in the name of Sam Hill am I to expect if we can make it home to a SNF?!

The therapists here are good but most of the support staff are just awful, transferring him improperly, not showing up and a nurse taking off his custom brace to move him pulling him up from the armpits which is an absolute No No plus the brace must be on 24/7.

I’m sorry. I’m tired, I’m frustrated and I don’t know how in the world he is supposed to get quality care and heal over the long run if this is so difficult for support staff to do properly.

I can’t do this anymore and I just want these people to do their job. They get a paycheck, benefits and time off. I don’t and it frustrates me for them to expect me to assist just because I’m here.

I do this full time alone, surely a team of people can get this done.

Leaving him here alone is not an option because he wouldn’t do well. He needs a higher level of care. He can’t even move his bed controls up and down and will aspirate on his own vomit if someone isn’t here to move the bed and hold the emesis bag plus watch him eat.

Thanks for listening. Suggestions welcomed

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From what you’ve described as the condition your husband is in, I would offer the opinion that he does not belong in a rehabilitation facility, he needs to be back in the hospital. You are running the risk of these people hurting him more than he already has been. Start with the Director of Nursing and the Social Services Department and also the head of the therapy department. Keep your cool, but firmly explain to them what you’ve told us and that you actually fear for your husband’s safety. I can attest to the fact that 99.9% of these facilities are understaffed. My husband has been in rehab for mobility issues for three months and has had one shower. The only time he’s had timely care was when he was on antibiotics and they gave him explosive diarrhea.

You should not be having to do this care for him. You could severely injure yourself. It’s time to “blow it up” at this facility and not stop until you are listened to and get satisfactory results. Good luck. Keep us updated.
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Does your husband have an orthopedic surgeon? If so, call and explain the situation. Ask what he/she can do to help get proper care for your husband. I think I'd want to speak with the doctor on call at the facility your husband is in and explain what you are seeing regarding the improper moving of him and pain meds not being administered on time. Having a doctor speak with the nursing supervisor might do a world of good. Or you could speak to the nursing supervisor yourself. If nothing changes, look into a transfer to another facility if you can find one suitable.

Beware back injuries, they can worsen so I hope an MRI was done.
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It's so difficult when injuries occur far from home.

First, refuse to assist with his transfer. Ugh, then he won't get moved? But you could get hurt and if something happens to your husband, the facility could be in a boat load of trouble for having you help when he needs a 2 person assist which should be 2 employees, IMHO.

I agree that it sounds like he should still be in the hospital as his level of care is very high.

Go to the top of the chain of command and tell your story. Document everything in writing so you can read it off and provide them with a copy if they want it. If the facility won't/can't up their game, you could report them to the state.

I'm sorry that you are so far from home. Is there any way to get a medical transport back to your area and put him somewhere local to your home? I know he is probably not ready for that yet, but it is something to look into.
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