
I was just ordered to be in a power wheelchair and all I have is a small car. And no way to transport the chair. I have medicare and extra help from medicade. I own my own home and live alone.

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I'd start with the people who sell the lifts -- braunability/wheelchair-lifts

If there's funding out there for the van, they probably know about it. Good luck!
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Members of out support group found the local taxi service had vehicles equipped with lifts. They also reported they were much more responsive than the dial a ride service that picked up and dropped off passengers. This took to much time waiting and being transported and their mother just got too tired with the process.
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I would encourage you to check with your local area agency on aging. They may have some information to help you. Sometimes service organizations can help Lions, Mason's or Rotary... It might be worth a try.
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Check with your state's assistive technology project. They should have information about financial assistance to purchase or modify a vehicle, as well as other technology (from simple grab bars to complex home environmental systems) which can help you continue to live independently. Here's a list of these projects: If that link disappears, head to your favorite search engine and search your state plus "assistive technology project".
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I've heard of Mobility Works, Not sure how they help - but worth checking into. Good luck
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My husband was in a wheelchair (electric, which Medicare paid for) and never
got around to the lift but know there is one. Sometimes you can find one in want ads or Craigs list if Medicare will not pay for it. Instead, you can find an economy
transport for wheelchair and patient which I had decided would be a lot easier and there were two strong men to boot.
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