
My mom fell the other day and broke her arm. It didn’t involve the steps but I want to install a railing on our steps for her. Is there any financial help to be had to help with the cost of that? Medicare or something? Many thanks…

In my mom's town there is a community project that help people with things they need. There is 2 large thrift stores, everyone donates to and , volunteers work there and the money goes back to the community.

Mows lawns and stuff for older people.

Do you have anything like that?
Or maybe a church
Or a carpenter that will volunteer his time
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Reply to Anxietynacy

I just had something pop up on FB that our local Habitat for humanity did a ramp for a disabled person.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Not really. This would be an out of pocket expense. Call your office of aging to see if there are any programs to help. Maybe Habitat for humanity. It would not take much to do somekind of railing.
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Reply to JoAnn29

You can search's Benefit Finder or the National Council of Aging BenefitsCheckUp to find resources available in your area.

Where I live we have Catholic Charites, InterFaith Community Services and the like to help struggling families to have their needs met, including things like a ramp or railing.

Good luck finding help.
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Reply to Isthisrealyreal

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