
Not sure if anyone has answer for this but I thought I would try.
My dad has really red skin in his groin area, I have been using diaper rash cream and medicatied powder, I have used stuff for jock itch, the doctor even gave me a bottle of powder. I don't know what else to try, he digs at it until it bleeds, I try to get him to sit with his legs open to let air in. Most of time I can get it healed up but I have been trying for months now and nothing. I need so ideas. Thanks

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Cortisone, Lotrimin AF spray, and Gold Bond do work wonders, especially for sweaty, hairy, chunky men who get those rashes and fungal infections that hurt and itch at the same time. Even when you know it's going to make things worse, sometimes the scratch-till-you-bleed feels so good.

If it were me, I'd get a brand new trimmer (they don't cost that much) and clip the pubi to about 1/2"; ready the tub with bath oil beads/warm water and use a light sponge to CARESS the area (soak for about 1 hr). Afterwards, pat myself dry with a clean towel (not a community towel that everybody shares) and put on light cotton boxers -- or baggy shorts so no one gets offended by my manhood. If sleeping by myself, I'd take it all off and spread myself on the bed as if making snow angels with a fan aimed at the family jewels. Maybe a couple of Motrin so I sleep all the way through the night without scratching.

If that doesn't work I guess a pair of handcuffs would come in handy.
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I have a 23 year old son with autism who wears Depends and he got a very bad rash in that area this summer. First of all make sure the area is totally dry before you use any barrier cream or you will be adding to the problem. Then I used both hydrocortisone ointment and Baza Antifungal Cream which contains miconazole nitrate. I found out about this on WebMD and it worked. The hydrocortisone ointment was just Target's store brand, the Baza product I got on I also take care of my 88 year old dad and that is why I am on this website, but my years of taking care of my son also come in handy here as well.
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I also give him a shower every other day so that his skin doesn't dry out.
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I'd recommend you give corn starch a try. It works great
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A & D ointment, Vitamin E oil, Coconut oil, use 1 for a couple weeks, then switch to another for a couple weeks, in a rotation pattern. Rash may never clear completely or permanently, but may be managed.
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I would worry about infection. Maybe the doctor can try some silver sulfadiazine. It soothes as well as fights germs and fungi. Ask your dad's doctor if he/she thinks it might work.
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Scratch that suggestion. I just read more about the cream and potential problems associated with it in humans. Silver sulfadiazine is used for burns in humans. I use it for my rabbits for urine scald and irritation. It apparently isn't considered great for humans.
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Can't give actual medical advice so you will have to ask the dr about the use of cortisone cream and or an antibiotic cream till it has cleared then follow with a good barrier cream. Pure cotton underwear will also help. some anesthetic cream may also help. keep finger nails cut short and try to put on cotton gloves at night. A cold pack may also help
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I have used Weleda Diaper Rash Cream(baby care) on my dad's bottom with great success. Make sure it's the Diaper Rash one, not just the baby diaper cream. One of my father's doctors, who has her own father in diapers recommended PeriShield.
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I somehow missed this question when it was first posted. I will try all the above to try to fight against father's stubborn rashes. Unfortunately he absolutely refuses to change sides at all these past 2 years. Hopefully this also has helped FeelingNuts.
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