
If my mother passed away on July 31st of 2019 would I her son or she receive her last SSI, SSDI payment checks on the 1st & 3rd of August 2019.

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If the checks are deposited into her account I would leave it there and go talk to SS to notify them of her death to get the true answer there. For the most part SS is payment for the last month lived.
My Luz passed on the 21st of March and I received no further payments. We did receive a payment on the second Wednesday of March which was not reclaimed by SS.
Also checking with SS allowed me to receive the final death benefit payment of $255 to assist with the final expenses and to close her account. If checks do appear into the account I would leave it alone until SS tells you what to do with it.
SS does not prorate payments. But they do make mistakes now and then.
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Might happen since she died on the last day of the month. My husband died on February 12th (several years ago) he rec'd his SS check on Feb. 1st, they reversed the entire payment. They do make mistakes. I would let any money that is deposited sit for a month and see what happens.
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SS is going to claw back both payments since she died in July. Even if she died the last day of the month, SS doesn’t pay her for the month of July. Payments received in August are for the month of July.
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