
I have a problem. I'm a man and I take care of my wife's father and mother. They have dementia and my mother-in-law is in a wheelchair, so they needed someone stronger than my wife to care for them. The problem is that my wife's sisters come over and want to talk with me. I thought it was just visiting their parents, but they started leaving quickly when they heard one of them wanting to be brought from the bedroom to where we were. I chalked it up to not being able to stand to see their parents like that, but wanted to see how they were getting along. Then things started getting kinda weird, the one sister came over dressed in tight cloths and as we talked she kept starring at my pants close to me. She left when the mother called, I checked my zipper and every thing was closed, then the other sister came over. She takes over for me at night and we naturally talk at the changing of the gaurd, about how they were that day and she pulled her shirt off taking off her coat over her head. It was a button up coat and she just started laughing and didn't put her shirt back on. I kept my eyes turned. I just said, I'll see you tomorrow and drove home and a third comes over and wants to talk every day and has rubbed my leg. I am happy married. I think I must just be imaging things. I haven't said anything to my wife, but I'm kind of feeling uncomfortable with them. I don't want to be embarrassed by making a false accusation. I have to be around them when they come to visit there parents, but they do have kind of a history. I feel kind of trapped and self-conscious when they are here. I don't want to say anything to them. I try to stay away from them and not be rude, but I am just not sure what to do. I'm sure I must be mistaken gratitude for something else and the other stuff was just an accident with the shirt. Just not sure what to do kinda hard to even write for advice, but I need some.

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Well, it's a good thing that you didn't let a misspelling of this anti-female slur go by without pointing it out. Goodness knows when I use my anti-female slurs, I want to spell them correctly. 

Gt, I'd like to believe that you're 100% sincere.  Already in this short thread -- where I want to help you, but then I doubt your motives and list reasons why, then I apologize and explain why I feel there are issues with your communication here...  

...and you ignore addressing any of that, but instead comment to someone who posted a misspelling...  HOW am I supposed to take you seriously, sir?

Good luck to you, and to your family and in laws. If you need help with a caregiving-related issue, this is a great forum for that.
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Well that's not how it spelled it, your wrong and a troll, just saying. Take a chill pill .
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When they "visit" leave. Say "while ur here I think I'll take a walk". Or "Going to the store to pick up" "going to give u some alone time with Mom and Dad". Just get out of the room. Don't wait for them to say no. Grab your coat and go. I bet after a few times of this, they won't be visiting much anymore.😃
Helpful Answer (5)

The thing is, your post IS Confusing, and as much as people would love to help, you must come back, and tell us how you have or intend on fixing this problem. You definitely should not let it continue, feeling like a piece of meat, just because it might cause some distension in the family.

You are the one who needs to set the boundries, and those SIL's need to back off, as it's clearly causing you discomfort.

What has your relationship been like, with these SIL's in the past? If it been "all good", then you should have no problem with saying "hey, WTF"? They could be "pranking" you, but all 3, seem a strange coincidence! You might be putting off a "vibe", and haven't set clear boundries, but obviously need to start NOW!

YES, history says it women who often get unfortunately sexually abused by men, but we all know that it goes both ways, and you need to be the one that puts a stop to it.

If they don't know how much this make you uncomfortable, it's time to set them straight! If that doesn't work, then you must your wife, as the longer this goes on, will begin to look like you are playing along. Then the lines become blurred, and then wifey won't know Who to believe!

You've done the right thing asking for help, now it's time to put it into action! Good luck!
Helpful Answer (2)

As a victim of hands on sexual harassment decades ago I have NO tolerance for your situation. As the victim I was infuriated! I could be wrong but I think by not telling your Sisters in law to back off you are actually encouraging them! I also think you better tell your wife before someone else tells her! I saw in one of your other posts your wife has nine siblings. Let them figure out how/who needs to care for the elders! You also mentioned you and your wife have a business. I suggest running your business is where you need to be.

Seriously, who takes off a button up coat over their head peeling off their shirt in the process? Then doesn't put their shirt back on? I am not sure this gal would respect boundaries even if you tried to establish them.
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What I find interesting is that it is 3 sisters from one family. What are the odds of that happening?

If it was just one sister, then this situation would sound real, but 3.... seriously?
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Sorry Gt, really am.
Being a woman, there has been many times when I have been approached married or not, that men have made a pass or whatever towards me. All they have to do is see the nasty look on my face and they know they're playing OUT OF BOUNDARY with me, sometimes no words are needed because I can get that dirty look but I have spoken up quite angrily and I don't regret it. Most people can tell who's approachable or not and will try play that game with them.  If one of my husband's brothers made an inappropriate pass at me I probably should tell him but I know he would whoop their a** and they would have a newer bigger one! I too would rather have peace in the family, I'm just fortunate I have not experienced that and I understand you wanting to keep the peace.
I'm sorry the sisters are not grateful and super appreciative for all that you have been doing and are willing to do... caring  for an aging parent has been the hardest thing I've ever done in my whole 54 years of life !!! 
I admire you for stepping up to that role. 

I'm choosing to believe now that you are sincere, a little mixed up and need some clarity on what to do and are genuinely seeking help here.

My best wishes to you and keep listening to the others on here, they are very wise!!!
Helpful Answer (2)

Someone who believes he has been sadly misunderstood would take the trouble to explain his situation more clearly and provide assurance of his sincerity.

Someone who is being sexually harassed is more likely to focus on the need for it to stop, than dwell on the details of the incident.

But men are also vulnerable to inappropriate advances, harassment and abuse; this is true; and it is not funny; and I for one would like film and tv to stop treating it as a joke as they often do. So I'm going to treat this post as authentic. In spite of reservations that I can't quite decide if the OP is boasting, complaining or dreaming.

GTM if your sisters-in-law really are giving you grief then you need to stop being nice to them about it and tell them to cut it out. Don't smile, don't make excuses. Don't be rude, either. Ask them to leave, and mean it. If it continues, tell your wife what is happening and tell your SILs they will have to visit their mother only when your wife is present. You are are a married man, not a helpless adolescent, and you can see what's under your nose; this isn't "Mrs Robinson you're trying to seduce me! ... Aren't you..?"
Helpful Answer (5)

Gt, I apologize for misunderstanding your comments/situation.  

You can't simply deflect (again), however, and expect reasonable people to think you're truly seeking help here. 

If you would answer the questions and address the input, we can all move on.   

Have you told your wife about the scenarios with her sisters that you feel are inappropriate? If you haven't, why haven't you done that, since you "tell her everything?"

I imagine I've faced more casual, everyday sexual harassment in a month than you'll likely face in your lifetime. It's not a contest, but women here do understand harassment and how sneaky it can be, and I would think every one of them have experienced it at some point in their life.

You've been given advice to tell your wife and to verbally establish boundaries with the sisters. You didn't respond to that practical advice, instead you told us that you're relatively large down there and you'll start wearing baggy clothes to not tempt the ladies too much.

That doesn't seem like a logical response/solution.

I'm almost sent you a Hug on your wall, a private message, because I wanted to make sure I wasn't misreading something, but "Conchas" isn't a word I can get my autocorrect to spell... it wants to correct that non-English word to another word, comprende? ;) So I don't get how that word (and especially that word) accidentally entered into your comment.

Help us help you. Don't deflect. Do you plan to heed the practical advice given?  I'm not saying you're not a victim, but if you are, then you need to DO something proactive about it, and wearing baggy clothes isn't going to help.  

My first comment to you took your situation at face value and acknowledged that it's not easy to say "that makes me uncomfortable, don't do that," but you still have to say it if you want to resolve the situation.  You don't have to be hateful or angry... just let them know when they make you uncomfortable.  If they are decent people, they will respect your boundaries.

If you really want help, would you please address what's been discussed and asked already, and whether or not you feel you can do what's already been suggested?
Helpful Answer (3)

I see why women were accused of causing unwanted attention in the old days when they went to ask for help when they were assaulted, and a troll is someone who pick on the poster, that's why women and men don't speak up when they get unwanted attention, they will always get the blame. Or they will be dismissed as being just there imagination.,trolls love it when you're I pad puts in a different word then you type. I thank those that gave me helpful answers, too all the trolls out there, do you miss treat and cuss the people you care for. too. A caregiver should be under standing when people need help. Don't blame the victims whether it's of a medical problem, or a woman or man being victimized, next time it could be you.
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Wouldn't want this "dude" taking care of my mom....weird deal
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If you are for real, then you need to step up and tell your wife that her sisters are making you feel uncomfortable in certain situations.

They may be jealous of the fact that their sisters husband is an all around nice guy, who has stepped up to the plate and is doing a lot, to help out with his inlaws.

Perhaps their own husband's aren't such nice guys, maybe they are in Suckie marraiages or relationships and they are looking to destroy any happiness their sister has in her marriage to you.

I know that if one of my 3 sisters ever made a play for my husband, they would never hear the end of it, and maybe you know this and that is keeping you from notifying your wife, but she really should know what's going on here.

My own sisters would never hurt me this way, but women can be catty, and maybe they aren't close, and you have something about you, that is endearing and attractive to them, and it isn't necessarily the size of your package, that you shouldn't have to disguise anyways!

You do need to man up, and confront anyone who ever makes you uncomfortable, just like anybody else!

But, if you are some kind of TROLL, and there have been many cases of this type of thing on here before, which is why people are questioning your request for advice, then you are clearly getting exactly what you came here to get, and that is sick in itself! I sincerely hope not, and you are truly coming here for advice, but you will need to come back here and tell us how you've managed to let you wife know your concerns, even if it causes distress in their relationships, how you've addressed your SIL's, and how this has all worked out in the wash, or else folks here will believe that you ARE a TROLL, just looking to get his Jollies. I sure hope your real guy, looking for good advice though!
Helpful Answer (3)

Ali.............glad I could make you smile. But it's so true isn't it?
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Gershun, that "army" quote/metaphor cracked me up! That's a new one to me!
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Just saying.....................
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Oh and it's not the size of the army that counts, it's the force of the attack.:)
Helpful Answer (5)

GT did you ever stop to think that maybe you aren't irresistible to women and that maybe you need to get over yourself. Do you look like Brad Pitt, George Clooney? Doubt it. Give your head a good shake!
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My over analyzing/over explaining ways are in high gear on this one, sorry...

I did consider the possibility that the Conchas thing is just due to English is a second language, but he's also been given practical advice and ignored that input -- to verbally set boundaries -- in favor of fixing the situation by hiding his overwhelmingly alluring physique by wearing baggier clothes. 

Either he is beyond the reach of common sense, or he's a trololollllll. lol
Helpful Answer (3)

I looked up slang meanings for the Spanish word "Conchas" that's been mentioned in OP's posts. (It actually doesn't mean balls, S, but according to some things I read it's slang for women's genitals.) For someone who claims to be "self Conchas" they sure didn't mind telling us about the size of their bigger-than-average package. Pret-ty sure we're getting played here. Oh, well. Won't be the last time someone like this visits AC. 😝

Google urban dictionary dot com, search "concha."  There are other sources, too.  It's apparently a well known insult in some Spanish-speaking countries, same as "c*nt" would be in English.  
Helpful Answer (4)

Man up and tell them to stop! And mean it!!! The bimbos obviously know they can get away with.  I feel sorry for the mother
Helpful Answer (1)

What was the sisters behavior around you prior to this? You are second guessing yourself but what does your gut tell you? Guts don't lie.

Whether it's innocent or mistaken or whatever if it makes you uncomfortable say so without feeling you need to justify it.

Would you mind not rubbing my leg, it makes me uncomfortable.

Would you mind putting your shirt back on, it makes me uncomfortable.

They will no doubt make out like it's a joke, and take it as an invitation to try harder. So be very firm about it. No, I'm serious. Enough is enough. Just stop. Now.

Then tell your wife that you've asked X and XX to stop doing this and that before they talk with her and to spin it into something it's not.
You don't have to explain the entire vibe you're getting only that you are uncomfortable with spefic behaviors and have asked them to stop.
If it continues to happen ask your wife to talk to them.

It's not right and is endangering relationships as well as the future of the parents care.

Good luck.
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I get it, tacy, that the whole story smells funny, I just don't like the victim blaming. I've already given my soapbox spiel so... I'm done here. :) 
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Forgive me, I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone here. AC members' input to a man who might be being sexually harassed is -- "it's your fault, you're doing something to deserve it, shape up you wimp."

OP is happy with the input, though, thinks he should change his wardrobe and that way he won't be drawing unwanted attention. (He thinks he has to wear baggy clothes to avoid being a target? Either it's a troll - or - I've never come across anything quite like this.) Either way, AC advice to the rescue... 🙄
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They don't take a shift, and yes I am a little bigger than some and kinda self Conchas But I am too tired to want any flattery If that's what they mean to give, but I am thankful for your candI'd answer that would explain a few things I do not think of myself as good looking. Perhaps I could change my clothing, something a little less tight, It never dawned on me about that. I will change my uniform from jeans to maybe lose pants, and a lose shirt.and see how that goes and try that if I ever get to go out in public with my wife again. This is kinda embarrassing to hear , but I'm glad that you told me . I can maybe avoid some uneasy situations.
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The part where he said "I tell my wife every thing" made me think she would be aware of the incidents.

Only one way to find out for certain...

Gtmerkley, have you told your wife about these specific incidents? That would be helpful info, thanks.
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His wife has not been told.

Me thinks he protesteth too much.
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If the sisters are doing any amount of harassment on purpose, *especially* if they're doing it because they see him as an "easy target," they are bullies... and it would never be his fault that he's being preyed on by bullies.

But who knows what's really going on? It sounds like a grey area -- are they or aren't they knowingly crossing a line with him? Nothing about the post, the info, the situation tells me whether or not the sisters' behavior is on purpose.

The wife is informed, she can let her sisters know if they are out of line. If she hasn't done that, then perhaps they aren't truly out of line.
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Continue with the same plan as before, by telling your wife. This case is no different.
She knows her sisters best, and she can handle them, not causing a rift.

Why are you feeling so vulnerable? Is it possible you like a little attention, mid-life crisis, or something? When my ex-husband started receiving this kind of attention, it was because of a change in his own behaviors, drawing the attention to himself. Just sayin......
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I definitely want to quit, I tell my wife every thing I have been hit on before and have told my wife every time and if we're out i will sit by her at all times even hold her hand. Till we leve. But these cases were no doubt, I'm not a ladies man I have always been faithful to my wife and never looked at another woman so I'm kinda clueless of what a woman is thinking, the other times the woman would ask me out for a drink or something and I would just say I'm hapoly married. And that was it. And I excused myself. But I keep thinking what if I'm just seeing things they never came right out and said anything, The leg rub, and the shirt coming off by accident was kinda hard to explain. But the talking I chalked up to there husbands being gone all day and just needing some advice, or lonely and needing someone to talk to. They all live close to there parents. I am kind of a sensitive guy one of the reasons for being a caregiver. And would never do anything to hurt or embarrasse anyone especially not a woman. And I don't want to cause a riff in the family. Just hoping if I egnore it, it will go tell the truth I just feel like a piece of meat that the sisters are looking over. And I feel bad for women who have gone through this.
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Yes, QUIT!!!
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