
Thanksgiving morning my mom was admitted to the hospital. She had a very serious infection in her blood that sent her to icu. Her heart rate was to high, low BP, low pulse ox, and high fever. She is 81, with copd,chf, dememtia and pd. The infection started in her bladder then went to her blood. She just got out of the icu yesterday. But she is so weak she can barely talk, she won't eat, she's crying alot and she looks funny in her eyes. I know she is lucky to be alive. But I am wondering if she will ever fully recover. Does anyone have any experience with someone being septic?

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I do have experience with someone being septic, but its not a pretty one unfortunatley. She was 65 but did have serious health problems. She made it about another 3 weeks after coming out of the infection. After about 2 weeks she was put on hospice as she had multi organ failure. I will say she had the symptoms of septic shock, low bp, low 02 for about 2-3 days before she crashed with the shock. She was also dealing with other extreme health condions at the time, recently diagnosed heart trouble. Your mom may be different. They can often pull them through in the icu, but then the damage of the infection sets in and unravels in the after math. I did have another elderly realitive who had it, less severe and made it through just fine. I'm sorry, whe. You hear of the elderly getting sick with pnumonia and passing away, this iss often times the reason(I have heard). I wish your mom well, and I hate to give you such a grime picture, I saw your post and I wanted to be honest with you. No one was with us. They told us to pray for the best and plan for the worst. But we were under the immpression, when they said the infection had cleared that she would be fine. Bjt she wasn't. I'm sure praying for you right now. I know how hard this can be.
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Thank you for your honesty. I really appreciate it. Her vitals have improved but she doesn't look well at all. I guess in the back of my mind I felt like maybe this is the beginning of the end. I wonder if she even knows because of some of the stuff she has said to me. Very final type stuff. Its so sad. She is very sad. She crys every time I visit her( which is every day). Thank you for your prayers.
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Please let me know how it all works out. ((Hugs))
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I will add mine was talking afterward to, was telling us she knew it was time, where to bury her ect. But this didn't last long. They moved her from ccu, to a step down unit, to the floor then back to icu. Finally back out on the floor, before sending her home with hospice. Now your situation could come out completly different, but that is an awfully hard thing for even a younger person to recover from.
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My mother-in-law had septicemia at a very advanced Lewy Body Dementia stage. Amazingly, she recovered and went on to live another 6 months.

Prayers for you and your mom. lizard41. It's a heartbreaking journey. You are not alone on the path.
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Well I don't think she is out of the woods yet. Her BP is low and her white count is elevated. There must still be an infection. Ugh?????
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No one will tell me anything....ugh! My mom was dicharged last week. Right from icu to the nursing home. She had a couple days of being alert and more oreinted but it seems like everyday she is getting weaker. She can't even sit up. She is so sad and wants to no what is wrong with her. They tell me nothing! Is this it? Is she not gonna recover? I'm so sad. I don't no what to do.
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