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Do you live in the house with the bed bugs?
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I'd just hire someone and get it done.
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Oh my, I went through this with my dad. This is a big deal...
Sorry you are going through this
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I am so sorry. Having experienced this while living in an apartment, I had to pay the management $1200 (US) for remediation. Yes in Texas, there is a bed bug clause put in apartment leases and the tenant is usually stuck with the blame. The Remediation company uses a very hot heat treatment to kill them. Prior to treatment, I had 48 hours to remove my belongings. They also had to remove carpets, baseboards, light fixture coverings. I had to dispose/take to dump of EVERYTHING fabric - clothes, beds, couches, coats, etc. Also - they cling onto shoes, backpacks, purses, etc. and can transfer to your vehicle, etc. They multiply at a rapid rate. If you wait until you can see them [the size of an apple seed] you are in advanced stage. Health issues involved as they bite you at night and live off blood. Also - they are very difficult to see in daylight - only come out in dark. You will see their shells/nests usually under headboard area of the mattress between mattress and wall. Prayers and Peace.
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My dad had a nest in his hat!
Latasa, have you been in the home where there's bed bugs? My husband went in my dads home in a hazmat outfit and brought some home to us!! I made him strip down outside before coming in and he still got one on him somehow!! I found one crawling on our couch almost 2 months later, FREAKED out and started searching everywhere! Found a nest in husbands recliner...destroyed our new couch, recliner, pillows etc
Very expensive, time consuming, & disgusting!! And I found them right away in our house...had to destroy dad's trailer and most of contents because it got to far out of hand. He has PTSD from it.
Very serious business to stay on top of it!
Google bedbugs and learn everything you can...they're NASTY sob's!!
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Yes. I had bed bugs in 2015. It took 3-4 months to get rid of them. It was a horrible experience.
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Call the health department.
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Call the health department.
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Dear Italking2,

I know its hard when someone refuses help, but in this case, must take control and call the town office. Or call an exterminator. There is a lot of work to get the infestation under control. They might even need to move out while the property is being remediated for bed bugs. I know its hard to go against someone but this is for their own good.
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Is the someone your mother?

What does she propose to do? Does she have dementia?

You may need to call Adult Protective Services and let them deal with this problem.
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I wish we would have called APS!!
Will next time..

But I don't think I could handle another round of it
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