
I need inpatient physical therapy locations near 33774. Father is 91 years old, is blind, mostly deaf and recently had a health episode which left him unable to get up by himself and walk. He has severe COPD and other health issues. He is in physical therapy but chooses to only do his therapy sometimes. We have told him that he must be able to stand by himself and walk to the restroom before we can take him home safely as we are not able to lift him to go to the restroom. He agrees but continues to just fight the staff the next day. Are there rehab centers who focus on these types of situations nears Largo, FL

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If dad is blind and hard of hearing with COPD is it a reasonable expectation that he will be able to walk himself to the restroom?

Mom with a broken back last October still had the will to recover in order to go home at 92 so she did what she could with PT at rehab which wasn't a whole lot but she stayed for 6 weeks

Once she was back home a visiting physical therapist would come 2x a week but it didn't work well as despite my request as to what time worked best for mom they would come early in the day when she was either asleep or eating breakfast - this just ended up eating through her Medicare benefits - lesson learned is that it's important to work with providers that view you as their client rather than accepting the ones referred by others as they liking are getting something for the referral

As others mentioned above - meet with the physical therapist and see if expectations are realistic and if not then start making plans for his long term care - it won't be easy to place him and it will be tiring on you to care for him still if the facility is not convenient to visit but above all else feel comfortable with the placement - check Medicare ratings and visit in the evening when staff levels are low - admin has gone home - check if there is only one aide asleep in the hall as was the case with mom's rehab - thank god she was in the room next to the nurses station - bring treats for the staff and learn their names -
This is not easy - I know
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Joyce, my Mom [98] went to live in a physical therapy complex, but she wasn't able or willing to follow directions of the physical therapist. Thus, after 20 some days, it was recommended that she move into long-term-care. Mom was unable to stand, much less walk.

Bringing my Mom home wasn't a workable idea, it would have been emotionally draining on my Dad as he was also in his 90's and was a major fall risk. And Dad would be trying to get Mom to stand, etc. Both would have been on the floor.

Mom refused caregivers, and I physically wasn't able to help due to my own age decline. We had no choice but to have Mom live in long-term-care. Dad hired caregivers for himself, and they were able to drive him to the facility to see Mom.
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Once the patient refuses PT three times in a row, the therapist will note "failure to progress" and the patient will likely transition to long term care. Talk to the PT person weekly, usually they do a progress report on Fridays.
Finding another facility will not make Dad cooperative. Start planning for long term care. Talk to the discharge coordinator there.
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