
My grandmother broke her hip last year and i put her in a facility that i was told would help her walk again ive been trying to discharge for the past few months but the doctor never contacts me.Can they prevent her from coming home?

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do a search on the internet for the words "right to leave nursing home" They can't hold a person prisoner but they can document they are leaving against doctor's ordes and I assume if they honestly believe the person is not capable of making decisions I guess they could report it to adult protective services. are you the guardians? i had a situation with a family member where the nursing home was trying to fill beds and told the state agency that would have arranged for home care that the person could not go safely home. fortunately an independent case manager had been visiting and knew their would be support at home and told the agency, yes the person could go home with proper support. That was 8 years ago. i don't think this person would have lasted that long under the lack of care in that nursing home. So if you think this person could get better care at home and you are willing to assume responsiblity you should advocate on behalf of them. But you can't send a person home without having the proper supervision and support they need so make sure you can provide it. Good luck. Who is paying for the nursing home anyway? Can't be medicare rehab after all this time can it?
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when i signed the papers for rehab they didnt mention it was a home also she walks now and yes i can take care of her ive been her primary for 10 years also there are 5 other people besides me all family in the same house looking after her and she has medicare medicade and an HMO. I feel like i should call my lawyer cause the doctor has never called me or replied to any messages its like hes hiding and they are skirting the issue everytime i tell them i want to take her home.
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if you feel she is being held inappropriately then you can try contacting the ombudsman do a search on the internet for
new york nursing home ombudsman program
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