
He lives 75' from dad's house. He spends most days sitting in dad's livingroom watching TV. He eats dad's food or goes out to eat. He doesn't cook. He doesn't bathe or do laundry. His memory seems bad too. We have spoken to his son and told him that we (my sister in law and I) cannot care for his dad. If the son cannot get his dad to move should we call social services?

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Yes. Call social services. Not to tattle on the son but to protect a vulnerable adult. Sounds like he needs some medical care and some encouragement to take care of himself or placement where he can be cared for.
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We had a tenant (renter) many years ago who was almost like that, unemployed, depressed and not taking care of himself. He came to us because he needed somewhere to stay. The condition we took him in, was that he find himself a job. End of story - he didn't find a job, I was expecting our 1st baby. He was dropped off at a place, where people were taken in, who had no-where to live. He was warned, but didn't try to help himself.
Yes, call social services and see if they can sort out this guy. If he doesn't help himself, who will? All the best.
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If he was a wartime veteran, call the VA
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