
I recently moved into my boyfriends house. Some of you may have read the question I added for the care of my brother and mom. I am a 1/2 owner in the home I just moved out of, my brother owns the other 1/2. Will the move effect my MediCal benefits or should I just not report it? Also, since my brother will be going into state care, is the state going to take the house we own for pay of his care? If so, are they mandated to buy out my 1/2 at full market value? Or is there a way to not let the state take home for repayment of my brothers care? My wish is to keep it and rent it out. I already have someone interested in renting it. With the little amount I'm charging them, we won't make more than maybe $200 a month off the house.

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Having worked for the State Welfare in PA, I recommend that you report every change, including your living arrangement, to your caseworker to avoid a big problem later - like losing benefits.
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I personally do not feel this is the format for you asking for help.... as Jessie said, there are many of us, myself included that need help..... times are hard for pretty much everyone.... and please don't come on here and ask a bunch of people YOU don't know for money and then be offended when we try to tell you this is not the place for solicitation........we all need help.....but never in a million years would I come on here and solicit help from my friends.... sorry you are having a rough time...... so is the rest of the universe.
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I was a bit harsh with my choice of the word jerk. It just shocked me that anyone would solicit money here, knowing the people who come here for comfort. I noticed one of the requests have already been axed -- AC doesn't allow for links except to certain agencies and government sites.
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I noticed the link in this thread just got eliminated, too, as did my earlier comment.
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Well to answer the question, Medi-Cal will liquidate the asset (sell the home), half to cover one owner's benefits and half to cover the other owner's benefits. I doubt that will cover the entire bill. And poor Mom? The asker does not mention what becomes of Mom. So sad to see a parent work so hard, give their house to idiot children and end up homeless.
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