
I am #1POA for my mom in order of preference. My sister is the successor. My mom is in hospice and living with me. She is being well taken care of. Hospice is in my home 4 times a week and they say I am doing a good job. I have a daily aide come in to care for her while I work out of my home. I am a Project Manager in IT. My sisters and I do not get along and both of my sisters want my mom to go live with one of them. They said they hired an attorney and want to remove my mom from my home. What rights do I have? What can they really do? They just may be all talk, but not sure. Not sure what legal rights they may have.

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And one other small but important point. We don't have POA OVER someone. We have it FOR someone. As POA your actions are supposed to be for what your mom would want not for what you want. Start there when you make hard decisions.
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Helpmeplz, moving your Mom while she is on Hospice is not in her best medical interest. My gosh, your Mom has Alzheimer's/Dementia according to your profile. What are your sisters thinking regarding moving her, especially since your Mom is getting excellent care at your house with Hospice and with a daily Aide.  Everyone should work together as a team instead of using Mom as a tug-of-war.

I am curious what will your sisters gain by moving Mom? Have they said?
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POA really does not have the authority to determine where mom lives. Medical POA does. Do you have that, too?
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Is it possible your sisters just want what you have? The ability to spend time with mom before she's gone in a more intimate setting?
To seek guardianship of mom would seem difficult at this stage of your moms life. They must feel desperate to spend time with her. Would it be possible for you to allow them to spend a few days alone with mom in your home? A few hours? Maybe give yourself a break away for a weekend? Try to think about what that might mean to you if you were the one without possession. What would your mom want?
You are in a position to be gracious, loving and kind to three women in your family. It's difficult to answer your question without knowing more details. On the surface it seems unlikely but we don't know what your sisters know.
Come back and let us know how this works out.
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I can't imagine an attorney would take a case like this. I think they are bluffing.
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Sounds like it is time for a good sit down and heart to heart with your siblings. I can only imagine what your Mom would want, were she in her former frame of mind, depending on how advanced her Dementia currently is, and that is to spend time with All of her family now.

I would try to put yourself in your Mom's shoes, as I'm quite certain she would love the attention from all her kids, here at the end of her life, and what the rest of you are squabbling about, isn't as important as her needs right now.

I certainly hope that this isn't about money or things, as arguing about that would be so unfair during this stage of the game, and only take away from any enjoyment she may be getting, in these next few weeks or months.

I hope that the relationship between you and your family isn't so far deteriorated, that you cannot calmly discuss What's Best For Mom Right Now.

Someone,  and likely You, needs to be the voice of reason here! I know that you want what's best,  or you wouldn't have come looking for direction,  but please,  for her sake, reach out your your sisters on this. You've got to work together,  and believe me,  once Mom is gone, you just might have repaired your relationships with them and will feel all the better for it.  

The more you can repair now, the easier it will be in the funeral arrangements,  the division of her properties and restoring the family as you know it.

I would do Anything to have my own Mom back,  but by God us 6 siblings stuck together in her care, and 13 years later,  we are as close as 4 sisters could ever be, and I can't imagine not having them by my side through life.  
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I know it is a selfish thing for them to do, but I think they just do not want to drive all the way out to my home and as I said we do not get along so they feel this is the solution. I am still curious to see if they have any rights for a judge to do anything. They will of course make up as much as they can. It is very said they do not have my moms best interest at heart.
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yes, I have medical and financial for my mom. My sisters are welcome over anytime, but they do not come. One sister used to come and spend time with mom and then I would leave and take time for me, but now she does not. They are the ones missing out, but they are very malicious so I do not know what they are up to.
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