
Now they are charging more money going back to court to fire me. Ok second law firm doesn't want to deal with me being co/co and I wanted to pay bills and save my folks money. Within 21 days my attorney could have added me for free but never wanted to discuss my request to be co/co. She has 70 cases and I couldn't get her attention. I don't understand why they're are so cruel as my parents need every penny they can get. We've spent close to 20,000.00 in legal fee, that is a crime. I just want to cut cost to help my folks now I'm going to have to stay for a court date I'm not sure when to possibly have my folks taken over by the state. What can I do?

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At this point you may have to ride out the storm. Since the Judge has appointed the Conservator, only the Judge can remove the Conservator. You are not being fired, you are simply not the choice of the Judge. I don't know anyone who can change a judge's mind. Go home. Rest. Get better soon.
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PS. My former attorney has another attorney with her laws firm that told me not to contact them they've terminated my family the contract. They said they will go before the judge to remove themselves as the firm handling the case. If I had an another attorney which makes me cringe, to pass on the documents to that attorney. Then the firm that fired me said I will have to pay there court cost. All I wanted was to try and help my parents save them money by paying their bills not farming out charges expenses. Once my folks spend all their assets they will end up in a nursing home again. Yes I'm exhausted and want to go home. I don't understand why the attorney wouldn't put me on as co/co. Most likely because I wanted to rent the townhome to offset the price of the nursing home, which would hold the asset to sell later date when they need that money. Somehow I don't think the attorneys really do care about anything but the money they can make of me parents! Am I wrong about this PS
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Zoo, it is all in the hands of the judge. Every time you call the attorneys they charge billable hours, probably $300+ per hour and the judge will approve the payment out of your parents' assets. By not calling, you save their money.
The attorney can't make you Co-Conservator, only the Judge decides this. They care about the law, and have trained themselves to cast aside any appearance of caring. Many go home and get drunk to compensate.
Renting the townhome would be a real nightmare when you are so far away. You can't keep an eye on tenants from afar, and they will wreck the place. Plus most townhome associations have very strict rules to follow and tenants quite frankly don't give a hoot.
Go home, heal, I feel your heart is very heavy from a long battle.
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PS..... you couldn't be more right, my heart is heavy feel like very little I do will ever make my dad happy, don't know how my mother has stood it all those years. What will happen if theres a court appointed attorney for my parents? I'm concerned they won't care and will sell their townhome and left over items for nothing. If I spending 6000.00 more dollars to have another firm sounds crazy to me. I have friends that tell me walk away, only one that is scolding me for considering walking away letting the courts take over. I don't think I will ever be the same. I appreciate your input PS , thanks!
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Zoo, I just got back from cleaning out Mom's house, she is in ALF, and instead of selling things, we invited the cousins over to take a favorite piece of furniture or some dishes. Some wanted one of her teacups from her collection. Mom knew they were coming, and she was much happier having her things go to family. There were no fights, and each item was celebrated for the memories it holds. I took nothing. Inside I feel a lot better, a lot lighter, because I am letting go, free of a great burden. Find your inner peace.
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Go home. Rest. Get better. Walk away from the turmoil. Stay connected with your parents. Continue to love them. Give up trying to help them with the material aspects of their lives. Call them for friendly chats (if they do well on the telephone.) Send them cards, postcards, and photographs. Let the conservator handle monetary tasks. Just be the loving daughter from a distance.
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PS.... what timing my sweet cousin and her husband have been coming by on the weekend to get all the things they can carry of our grandmothers. It gives me joy to se her so happy with all the memories. Since all the attorney drama the estate sale was canceled. I would like to give more away but was hoping to make my parents ALF money and least on month. You've seemed to have so much knowledge PS and adjusted your emotions accordingly. I'm still struggling must be the dysfunction in me I'm not a good enough daughter message from my father, oh well. I know better when in a better frame of mind! How long have you been caring for your mom PS? Most of my friends say walk, my cousin said she will respect whatever I decide to do state or other attorney for 6000.00 which I think is nuts. I never knew trying to help someone and do the right things could feel this hurtful. Thanks for your input you have wisdom!
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I agree $6K is nuts. Jeanne is right, just be the daughter. Enjoy what you share. Estate sales are very sad, compared to sharing with family. Mom is actually my MIL, but my mother died when I was ten. I married at 20, so she IS my mom, there for all my babies. Caring for her, a long time, she began to decline at 75. She was very angry when I suggested she stop driving then. So it's been eleven years of nudging her a little at a time. Now she is 86, but every day is another gift from god. She could go any time. Moving her to ALF was just in time, another six months and she would have slid downhill too far.
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I got the itemized statement from the law firm that terminated us. I paid them in full medical, moving, senior advisory person outrageous. My father has cost himself a fortune and I'm tried of hearing about his money, I don't want anything to do with his money. He's already barking orders about how he wants to talk to the new attorney. I'm not going there, I've paid them to date with the Trust Fund what a mess this has all been. I just want to get amnesia about this whole entire past 3 years!
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