I find, that in the last year, I have put on so much weight. At first I thought it was passive eating, then, I noticed that I was overeating at the most stressful moments in my life...which have been many, lately.
I realized that this is no less destructive than over indulging in alcohol, pills, or other negative behaviors. It almost feels like I am destroying my health out of the frustration of not being able to handle everything right now.
I noticed that my face becomes red and hot when I get just a little stressed. I think I may have high blood pressure, too (which I never had before).
Added to these problems, I have no desire (or time) to exercise properly. I feel like I am sinking...there is nothing postive to hold onto right now...just more work and more stress.
Does anyone have a good solution for getting back on track healthwise...especially if you do not have a lot of free time? I find myself envying those people who go to "spas" to unwind. The only spa I have is my bathtub :o(
I have two dogs so walk them regularly and ride my bike - but come 9:00 - the stress eating begins.
miz i retired a year ago and felt a void too - though do not have the grieving you do, but it is still a big adjustment and has taken about a year for me to refocus
I lost my youngest son at age 23 nearly 9 years ago and after suriving the first period of shock I realised that I had to start looking after myself better -and eating better was high up on the list
you can do it!
I'm so sorry that you lost your 23 year old son. Nothing I have gone through compares to that.
Just my everyday, unrelenting, stupid stress.
I'm trying. Also, my father (who is very thin) eats a LOT of junk food - food that I would never have brought into my house before (because I know how I am); so I am having a hard time resisting that temptation.
I used to be quite vain - but now - can't figure out my motivation. I'm in an office all day - then waiting on a 90 year old and 16 year old son . . . what IS my motivation????
I know it should be to take care of myself. Hopefully, I'll find that motivation soon! I hate feeling this way.
leep up the good work! ♥ Joan
My hubby does try. But I get so caught up in my role that I don't appreciate and really don't respect the help. My hubby tries to encourage me to walk on treadmill but I feel insulted. I feel thats his way of saying "hey your fat"
I have no drive to take care of myself and don't know how to fix it!!!!
I find myself going from eating too many sweets to then depriving myself. I was walking every day 3-5 miles, then I got enflamed nerves in my feet--which is probably stress-related, too--so I have had to stop. I put on my shoes and forced myself the other day, and suffered very badly the next. It's not that I don't want to walk, or eat healthy, or exercise, or lift weights, or be a tea-totaller, but I am weak.
Paul said it best, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak". If he couldn't do it, then that's no excuse, but it is a good illustration that we must learn to forgive ourselves, give ourselves a healthy treat whenever we can, and keep trying.
By the way, almost every morning when my Mother wakes up the first time and I take her to the bathroom, clean her up, change her Depends, put powder on her to feel better, change her nightgown, give her before breakfast meds and all the water she wants, then put her back to bed, I tell her, "We'll get up in a while. First, I need to do a few things for myself." I mean, get a cup of uninterrupted coffee, walk outside to look at my garden, feed the cat, set things up for her breakfast, and sometimes just sit and watch the news for a moment. She gets that look on her face, and sometimes says, "what about me?" But, I have just done more for her than I do for myself in a day, and it can't be all about her, all of the time. I KNOW THAT. SHE DOESN'T. I do what I need to do, when I need to do it, and I do not like listening to her incessant whining first thing in the morning, but that's how she is now. (The new med, Zyprexa, is helping a lot! She is more positive and calm, but she is having a hard time finding the right words.)
Bottom line on diet, in my experience: eat lots of protein: tuna, sardines, turkey, chicken breast, lots of fresh greens, no dressing just lemon juice and a bit of olive oil, don't eat bread, rice or pasta, have a baked potato once in a while with salsa or chili, but no butter, sour cream, or cheese, eat a cup of vegies at lunch and dinner with your salad and protein, (don't eat cheese !!!) no alcohol, or maybe just one glass :) eat berries for dessert, eat fruit in the morning, no extra sugar, drink lots of water, about 90 ounces a day. Every morning I start out with that mind set--some days it works, other days I fail. Then I try again:) Love, Christina
Thank you all for the motivation...makes me feel like I am living in less of a caregiving "vacuum." I have my treadmill right here in my office, just sitting there and making me feel guilty. So I just have to dust it off and get to it.
I know what you are saying about ailments that prevent you from starting. I have had so many knee and foot problems - but it is due to the weight - vicious circle. I have never been this unhealthy. But this year I am committed to making good changes for myself. I will let you know how it went on Dec. 31st :o)
I was always looking for meatloaf and macaroni and cheese recipes for her and I would cook up a wonderful cheesy beefy pasta or lasagna and she would sit down to eat it, but I had been cooking and driving to her house (sitting) all day and I just could hardly eat with her....
I felt like I was losing my mind sometimes. Now that she is gone, I clearly munch too much. It's no one's fault but my own. I fall for every goodie that anyone offers me, but not anymore. For New Year's I am going to say I have a health 'issue' and refuse the offers.
I am determined to start eating like a ... Super Model! :-) Vegetables and fruits galore!!