
After much research we found out about what happened. The people partnering with my husband did the majority of they fraud when my husband was in the hospital. My husband never signed certain papers but his father feels it was my husband who sold his stock . We had no idea until this year. My husband is battling cancer and he is devastated by his father turning against him. His father will not speak to him and hangs up on him every time he calls. We have never asked him for a cent and my husband did no wrong or fraud. My husband sent his father for twenty years a paycheck. This scam has hurt us and we stand to lose everything between the cancer and attorney fee's. We have found out my father in law changed his will and wrote us out. We have no idea who said what to him he suffered no damage only us. Do we have a defamation of character case. It is truly not about the moneyThis has hit my husband so hard he has given up We have a little ten year old son who is going to lose his father and his home in the near future, he is so frightened by all this. I have no idea who said what to my father in-law It must have been terrible for all this to happen and for him to lash out at a son while he is fighting for his life and needs a soft place to heal instead of hatred within a family.
I will add again for clarity : a son who sent his father over one hundred fifty thousand a year for twenty years, never asked to borrow a cent even when we now stand to lose our home over the fraud committed

against the corporation by many key people ( done while husband was in hospital for ten days and not back to office for six weeks)

We contacted my husband father's attorney in Florida to advise him we are starting a law suit on the fraud committed. We explained the stock issues and asked for help to prove the case. After one phone call to the attorney neither he or my husband's father ever spoke to my husband again. We were beyond shock we so counted on needed documentation support

My husband sister informed my husband of the will change, she was the other person who could have said something she and her children only are now named in the trust.

Very sad story for a man who gave so much and is gravely ill with cancer and needed support from his family.

Any advise

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Don't talk to your father's lawyer. Get your own.
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I'm no professional, but I would leave the legal issues to your "own" attorney. So sorry your "so called" family is putting you through this. Family mediators are excellent. They can keep an argument from exploding. I had friends that used them when their Mom died.
You have my sympathies, I could never understand how family can be so cruel. Different personalities in a stressful situation. That's about the bottom line.
Hugs out to you and I hope your husband can overpower the cancer. That's what is important.
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We do not know if we should contact an elder abuse attorney in Florida or in our home state.. Is there any type of mediator who could get father and son to talk with no outside influence. It is important to my husband to find out what would ever cause his father to turn his back to him without any explanation. The Dad was very upset when my husband received the cancer diagnose and all seem fine This was so sudden
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Thank you so much for such a heart felt answe I needed kind words tonight it has been a long year.

I think the mediator is the best idea, maybe they could help with this matter,I just do not understandhow anyone could treat a cancer patient with such mental abuse when they need all resources to fight such a defttating disease. It is even worse if the person suffering thru chemo is your child. (YOUR CHILD!) I do not care how old I ever become if my children were suffering I would be there for them. Thank you again for the kind words it meant alot Hugs back to you. I will read to him the post he needs to know people can care, it will help
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Florida is awful for elder abuse when there is none. I had a non-profit have guardianship of my mother. They made me look bad in court as I did wrong though the magistrate judge said I was innocence she gave the non-profit over me. I had a wrong lawyer so get a certified elder lawyer to fight. If I had the money to continue and to fight I would do so. Florida laws are to protect the elder but in some case they protect the guilty who is doing wrong. vent
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I would seek independent counsel on these issues. A fresh look by your own lawyer may yield better results.
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