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Has an eye doctor recommended it? Why do you ask?
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How will you get her to and from surgery site? Medical transport?

Does the surgery office have assistance available for getting her on and off the operating table or will family be expected to provide/bring assistance?
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I guess it depends on the whole picture and condition on this person. If she is with it and reads a lot and can not live without clearer vision, do it. If she's not bothered by the limitations of her vision, I would NOT do it. I took my mom at 74 for this and it was worth it because of her age and condition. Lots of appointments, eye drops, etc.
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My mom is 90 and mostly bedridden. She has had worsening cataracts and wanted the surgery. I was concerned that any surgery would be detrimental, since a few years ago some dental extractions caused mental and physical problems that sent to to the hospital for a week, then rehab for a month.
The eye Dr. reassured me that cataract surgery was much more minor and would be fine for her.
The surgery was a few weeks ago for one eye. Mom is happier since she can see better, and did very well with the surgery. She is in a nursing home, which supplied transport, and even sent a male aide with her to help with transfers!
The bill was sent to Medicare and her supplemental insurance, but I don’t know yet how much of it they paid.
That was our experience; of course your mileage may vary!
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I remember going to pick up mom at her home for her cataract surgery. It was after daddy died but before she moved in with me.

I walked in and she was ready. She was all dressed to go and I couldn’t help but notice that she had make up on! You know how that generation was, they were women of the 40’s and I for one felt they were so stylish.

They dressed beautifully and my mom continued to look proper when leaving the house. They wouldn’t have even gone to their mailbox without their makeup on.

We see that reflected in the old movies or television shows.

Anyway, I told mom to please go wash her face because I was taking her for surgery. She refused so I took her with makeup on her face. Well, the eye doctor looked at her like she had two heads, then turned to me and asked me why was she wearing makeup and why did I allow her to leave the house with makeup on for surgery.

I told her that I did tell her to remove her make up but she refused and for her to tell her to wash her face before surgery. So she told mom that she wasn’t going to do the surgery until she washed her face.

Mom said that she was going to be filmed and her name would appear on the television screen and she preferred to have makeup on.

Oh my gosh! The doctor was not happy with her and explained that the only people that saw it were family members in the waiting room and only her eyes were shown to those who were interested in seeing the surgery being performed. The doctor was finally able to convince mom to go wash her face.

The surgery only lasted about 20 minutes and mom could see much better afterwards. Only one eye at the time. I told her if she attempted to wear makeup to the second surgery she could take a cab instead of expecting me to bring her. Thank God the next appointment she wasn’t wearing any makeup.
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Depends......her mental state? Is she bedridden for the time being or is this a permanent situation? Medicare will only cover cataract surgery for near sightedness. Dual lenses are not covered. If she reads a lot the surgery will not help her. If on Medicaid, you would have to check coverage. Just keep in mind the patient is awake during the procedure and needs to be perfectly still. Also there is follow up with eye drops for two weeks.....and there is always the chance for "dry eye" (especially in the very elderly) which would require drops on a permanent basis. There really is much to consider.....just wondering if she's up for the ordeal....and if the end truly justifies the means.
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