
He is 65 and I am 62. Our health is fine. We don't have much family. I don't think there would be disagreement over health care decisions from our families. Should we spend the money for Health Care POA or not?


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Yes. Spend the money, for heaven's sake. Do you have wills? If not, get those, too. Do you have financial POAs? Get those, too. Otherwise you may find yourself back on this site lamenting your decision in a few years.

Or maybe even tomorrow.
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YES AND YES! Maggie is a wise person. I'm so glad I worked with my parents on this a few years ago. Now it would be very difficult as Dad has developed dementia. Get it all done, wills, POA, end of life directive. Assign a trusted and younger, family member and designate a secondary person also. Don't give the same authority to multiple relatives as this can cause confusion and disagreements.
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Hadnuff, if ever you are in the hospital, the hospital wants your end of life directive in writing so they can scan it into their computer system. Plus if, heaven forbid, either you or hubby are unable to communicate, you have assigned medical power of attorney.

Doesn't matter if you are in outstanding health.... someone could run a red light and t-bone your vehicle.

Like Windyridge did above, I worked on my aging parents last year to see an Elder Law Attorney, and boy I am glad I did. I had to sign for Mom [97] as her POA when she was in the hospital for the first time since 1950.
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See an attorney and get your affairs in order. It's money well spent. The attorney will have you fill out a form, so they can provide you with the best advice. If you have assets you want to protect, you might see an Elder Law attorney who knows Medicaid law. If you aren't likely to need that, then an Estate Attorney will do.

They will know how to prepare your Durable POA, Healthcare POA, Advance Medical Directive or Living Will. These are vital for another person to act on your behalf if you get sick, injured or just can't do it yourself. It's a nightmare if you don't have it. If you don't have it, you will have to go through a court proceeding which takes time, money, energy, etc. If you want to be kind to the one who would be looking out for your, don't sabotage them. Give them the tools they will need to help you.
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