
Mom is 97 and living with my husband and I. She does not want to buy new hearing aids at this stage. My sisters insist this will enrich her life so much they have talked her into it. What they aren’t taking into consideration is how much she is declining in other ways, with very poor eyesight due to macular degeneration, and difficulty walking, even with her walker. She has very few interests any more and so little she can do. We have an appointment next week for a hearing test and I wonder if we should even keep it. Whose decision should this be anyway, mom’s or my sisters?

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beejaycee, hearing aids will only enrich your Mom's life if the hearing aids are user friendly to use.

I remember my Mom [98] wanted to visit every hearing aid place on the globe as she believed there would be something that would work. Mom refused to believe her regular ear doctor when the doctor said there isn't anything more they can do for her. .

The hearing aids would work in the doctor's office, but the next day at home they wouldn't work..... it's all user error.... Really now, giving a remote control to use with one's hearing aids to a 90+ person who is not technology inclined will only create poor results.

Also, for my Mom, she had ear wax which she refused to let the nurse use hot water to help clean out the wax. Mom insisted on luke warm water, well that was a waste of time.

Bravo to your own Mom knowing that she doesn't want hearing aids at her stage of life. But let's wait and see what the doctor says.
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If your mom lives with you, your sister should be grateful.  YOU would be the one putting new batteries in every week. YOU would be the one hunting down the lost ones, and they do get lost.  Tell sister to STFU
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I agree with the 2 prior comments. At her age she probably won't be retaining the learning required to deal with the hearing aids herself. But with reduced vision AND hearing loss, how will you communicate with her? I realize they are very expensive...are there any that can be returned if it doesn't work out? If so, I'd at least try it. Otherwise, on this forum I have seen products that amplify sound that the patient wears around their neck. This may save you and hubs from having to yell everything at her. I hope you can find a viable solution. Let us know how it goes!
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DH just went for his new hearing aides. OMG the difference in 4 years. He wears over the ear. They are now smaller maybe a little over an inch. There are rechargeables if you want to pay extra. Since my husband is deaf in one ear, he was fitted for a transmitter for that ear. This way when someone is on the bad ear side, he hears them in his better ear side.

My husbands insurance pays for his aides. If Mom has to pay for new ones, thats a lot of money. I may let her go thru the exam. Maybe its ear wax causing the problem. Maybe the mold has shrunk and needs a new one. Maybe old hearing aide needs a good cleaning and new tubing if over the ear. Wax can get into tubing and effect being able to hear. Maybe hearing aide just needs adjustment. I may go this way before I spend money on new ones.

Like Geaton said, there are cheaper devices that she may like.
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